Geschützt: Ametek GmbH

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Pihsiang Energy Technology Co Ltd

Pihsiang Energy Technology Co. Ltd. Innovation In Energy Technologies To Optimize Your Life Pihsiang Energy Technology Co. Ltd. (PHET®) was founded in 1998. The company focuses on research and development, manufacturing and marketing of C-LiFePO4 batteries. PHET® is also the first manufacturer to mass produce C-LiFePO4 batteries, which ensure high safety, long life and high […]
Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei Automotive Europe At the Center of Battery Innovation Battery Materials – Enabler Of Future Mobility Asahi Kasei is a pioneer in the field of modern battery technology. Everything started when Asahi Kasei researcher Dr. Akira Yoshino developed the first working prototype of a lithium-ion battery in 1983. Today, the company is a market-leading […]

ELEKTROMOBILITÄTSLABOR (eLab) DER RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY ELEKTROMOBILPRODUKTION EINFACH MITERFORSCHEN Das Elektromobilitätslabor (eLab) bietet eine offene Infrastruktur zur Erforschung der Elektromobilität. Von der Technologieentwicklung, über das Testing bis hin zum fertigen Prototypen können Unternehmen vom eLab profitieren. Die Ressourcen des eLabs können angemietet und flexibel genutzt werden. Die RWTH Aachen als Betreiber des eLabs steht mit […]
Geschützt: Sciospec

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rhd instruments

/wp-content/video/CompreDrive-Video_schematisch_HD-komprimiert.mp4Play video in full screen mode/wp-content/video/CompreDrive-Video_schematisch_HD-komprimiert.mp4 rhd instruments the electrochemistry experts. rhd instruments is committed to supporting academic and industrial research around the globe by designing flexible, high-quality solutions to characterize a wide variety of materials for energy storage devices and other electrochemical applications. rhd’s portfolio encompasses setups for measuring small sample amounts under precise […]
Saueressig Group

EngineeringTechnology full of innovative power.Who we areYour integrated solution partner for custom machinery.What we doEfficient and innovative complete solutions. Who we areFull-service provider of calender and processing systems in standard and custom designsTechnical CentreComprehensive testing options for a perfect result Saueressig Group / Engineering As leading international supplier along the pre-press stage as well as […]