Understanding battery materials and components from a chemical, thermal and mechanical standpoint is of incredible importance for ensuring quality, reducing occurrence of failures and understanding every part of the battery manufacturing chain. As we see increased regulation of the battery space, implementation of analysis at every stage of the supply chain will become more prominent and, in turn, the need for accurate and reliable analytical techniques will increase.
This poster will give a brief overview of a selection of analytical techniques and the way in which they can be applied in the battery market. The first application explores an alternative method for the detection and measurement of water on electrodes. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) hyphenated to mass spectrometry (MS) provides a method which, unlike the more commonly used Karl-Fisher titration, does not require any sample preparation. Furthermore, TG-MS allows for the detection of other molecules (such as CO2) by scanning for specific mass ions.
The next application demonstrates the use of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) for verification of raw materials. Requirements for verification of incoming raw materials are common in other industries, such as pharmaceuticals, and ensure quality of manufactured materials. Due to regulations imposed by government bodies and targets for overall battery quality set by manufacturers, the ability to verify the identity of a battery raw material and identify suspect or substandard items will become increasingly important. This application shows the use of FT-IR spectroscopy for identifying and verifying a range of electrolyte raw materials in less than 30 seconds.
The final application investigates the use of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for high-precision determination of element ratios in battery cathode materials. There are several areas of work showing the significant impact that even a small variation in element ratio can have on the performance of a cathode. Furthermore, the presence of impurities can have a detrimental effect on battery performance, even at incredibly low concentrations.
In summary, the poster will give a high-level overview of just some of the analytical techniques available for battery material analysis and will provide a taster of the powerful insights that can be gained from these methods.
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