'Advanced Battery Power' online Library
The online library of the Advanced Battery Power conference enables a vivid scientific discussion and gives the speakers and poster authors the opportunity to get in touch with an interested and highly specialized audience. We are confident that a high percentage of the lecturers and poster authors will join this new library to present their findings.
The contact to the authors will work without publishing their credentials to ensure data security and privacy.
The conference host HDT - the knowledge experts - introduce this platform for all participants of the Battery Conference 2020 on March in Münster/Germany, which had to be canceled due to the Corona pandemic. We are looking forward to meeting you all here on online library and - next year in person at the 'Kraftwerk Batterie/Advanced Battery Power' conference on April 28-29, 2021 in Aachen/Germany.
how to Publish your poster or lecture
01_Create a user account or log in:
To upload your lecture, presentation or poster to the online library, please log in. If you do not have access data, please register here.
02_Create title and summary:
In order to make your presentation or poster easy to find, please use the categorization in one of the subject blocks below and add a meaningful summary with a maximum of 300 words to your upload.
03_Upload your lecture or poster:
Lectures: You can upload your lecture in almost all common file formats, for example as a Word file, PowerPoint file or as a PDF. By uploading your lecture you agree to publication on the website battery-power.online.
Posters: Please have a PDF file ready to upload your poster and – if possible – also add a JPG file to display a preview. By uploading your poster you agree to publication on the website battery-power.online.
Thematic blocks
1. Lithium ion cells: materials and improvements on properties
- Active components (positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials)
- Inactive components: electrolytes (solid, liquid, polymer and hybrid electrolyte systems), separators, housings, binders, additives, current collectors
- Advances in power and energy density
- Progress in cost reduction
- New electrode and cell design: concepts and performance
- Calendar life and cycle life
- Safety: analysis and improvements on material and cell level
- Theoretical, fundamental and microscopic models
- New and advanced analytic methods in laboratories
2. Beyond and beside lithium-ion technology
- Lithium/air, lithium/sulfur, lithium metal batteries
- Non-lithium technologies (aluminum, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, dual ion, etc.)
- Progress on other battery technologies (any technology potentially suited for automotive or stationary applications)
- Flow-batteries
- Supercapacitors (incl. hybrids)
3. Batteries for 12 v and 48 v power systems
- Requirements
- Functional safety
- Advances in lead-acid batteries, incl. technology, management, and diagnostics
- Field experience and results of SLI batteries
- Lithium-based batteries for SLI applications
- Hybrids of lead-acid and lithium-based batteries›Hybrids of batteries and supercapacitors
4. Battery systems
- Battery aging (experimental investigations, modeling, lifetime prediction, etc.)
- Battery modeling (electrical, thermal, mechanical, performance, lifetime, parameterization, etc.)
- Parametrization: impedance and physico-chemical approaches
- Battery diagnostics (SOC, SOH, aging, performance, etc.)
- Battery management: cell balancing, charge and thermal management, etc.)
- Test procedures and results from field and laboratory tests on lifetime, performance and safety
- Reliability of different battery pack designs
5. Automotive and mobile applications
- Novel use of battery storage systems in automotive applications (requirements, solutions, future technologies, etc.)
- Advances in battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
- Future on-board power supply technologies (12 V, 48 V, micro and mild hybrids, topologies, etc.)
- Impact of ultra-fast charging on battery cell and system design
- Combined battery systems (lead-acid, supercapacitors, li-ion, etc.)
- Heavy-duty, public transport and off-road applications
- Field experience, lifetime and reliability data, new techno logies/applications, requirements and solutions to new applications
6. Stationary battery systems
- Storage systems for grid stabilization, PV home storage, power supply for fast charging, teaming-up several services to one system, etc.
- Field experience, operational strategies, lifetime, sizing tools, etc.
- Vehicle to grid (PHEV and EV as grid elements)
- Hardware challenges beyond the battery system (power electronics, safety, BMS hardware, EMV, etc.)
7. Production, 2nd life and recycling of battery systems and cells
- Machinery and procedures for battery and cell manufacturing
- Production process design and quality control
- Formation, supply chain, logistics
- Optimized battery pack design (efficient production, new technologies)
- Second life / second use concepts, long-term storage of batteries
- Recycling (all relevant battery materials)
- Scenarios for battery costs, production capacities, markets
8. Markets
- Market overview (capacity, manufacturer, chemistries, cell designs, etc.)
- Market forecast (automotive, stationary, consumables)
- Availability of raw materials
9. Teaching batteries
- Educational and didactical concepts
- University teaching of battery topics
- Vocational retraining on battery issues