Weitere Angebote zum Thema Batterietechnik

Prof. Dr. Egbert Figgemeier

Helmholtz-Institute Münster
Ionics in Energy Storage (IEK-12)

Jägerstr. 17/19
52066 Aachen


Prof Egbert FIGGEMEIER studied chemistry and did his PhD at the University of Paderborn. This was followed by academic research at the Universities of Dublin, Basel and Uppsala. In 2007 he joined Bayer Technology Services heading the materials and corrosion lab as well as the development of materials for battery applications. From 2012 on, he worked as application development engineer for battery materials at 3M Deutschland responsible for technical support of customers in Germany and Europe. Since 2016 he is group leader at the Helmholtz Institute Münster (section Aachen) and he holds the chair for “Ageing and Reliability of Batteries” at the RWTH Aachen University.

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