Dr. Emmanuelle Lancelle-Beltran
Emmanuelle Lancelle-Beltran is a Chemistry Engineer (CPE Lyon, 1998). She received her PhD in Molecular Chemistry & Solid Elaboration in 2001 from the Montpellier II University, co-funded by Air Liquide. Today she is Stellantis Cell & Battery System Expert.
Since 2001, she had different positions as research engineer (Emory University, CEA/Le Ripault, EADS), continuously working on applied research in the field of material chemistry and catalysis. Dr. Lancelle-Beltran joined the Groupe PSA/STELLANTIS in 2006 in the Research & Development Division as Battery Team Leader, then Manager of High Voltage Battery Engineering Department, before being appointed to her current position in 2015 as Cell & Battery System Expert.
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