Save the date:
Batterietagung 2023
April 26-28, 2023 in Aachen/Germany
International conference on March 29-30, 2022
The agenda
Day 1 // March 29, 2022
Prof. Dr. Martin Winter
University of Münster I MEET & FZ Jülich I Helmholtz Institute Münster
Room: Plenary Hall
Prof. Dr. Werner Klaffke
Haus der Technik
Ingo Höllein
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Room: Plenary Hall
Plenary Talks // Keynote Speaker
Room: Plenary Hall
Dr. Arnold Lamm and Markus Hackmann
e-Technologies GmbH / P3
Dr. Emmanuelle Lancelle-Beltran
Poster session and exhibition
Poster session(even poster numbers) and exhibition
Break and exhibition
Parallel session 1
Session 1A: Cell Level 1
Session chair: Armin Warm, Ford // Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai-Peter Birke, Universität Stuttgart
13:30 | Assessing Heat Generation in Lithium-ion Batteries: An Experimental Methodology | Dr. Laura Bravo Diaz Co-Autoren: Alastair Hales, Mohamed Waseem Marzook, Yatish Patel, Gregory Offer | Imperial College London |
13:45 | Lithium Plating Detection and Characterization Utilizing Impedance Changes During the Lithium Deposition | M.Sc. Julian Marscheider Co-Autoren: Delf Kober, Julia Kowal | Technische Universität Berlin |
14:00 | Towards more realistic Li-ion battery safety-tests based on Li-plating as internal cell error | Ronald Gordon Co-Autoren: Prof. Helmut Ehrenberg, Dr. Anna Smith | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
14:15 | On-line gas detection during the thermal runaway of Li-ion cells by coupling ARC with a mass spectrometer and external sensors | Dr. Abdelaziz Abdellatif Co-Autoren: Peter Sichler, Michael Kasper, Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Thomas Waldmann | Zentrum für Sonnenenergie-und Wasserstoff- Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) |
14:30 | Discussion |
13:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 1A 13:30 Uhr Dr. Laura Bravo Diaz Co-Autoren: Alastair Hales, Mohamed Waseem Marzook, Yatish Patel, Gregory Offer Imperial College London Assessing Heat Generation in Lithium-ion Batteries: An Experimental Methodology |
13:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 1A 13:45 Uhr M.Sc. Julian Marscheider Co-Autoren: Delf Kober, Julia Kowal Technische Universität Berlin Lithium Plating Detection and Characterization Utilizing Impedance Changes During the Lithium Deposition |
14:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 1A 14:00 Uhr Ronald Gordon Co-Autoren: Prof. Helmut Ehrenberg, Dr. Anna Smith Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Towards more realistic Li-ion battery safety-tests based on Li-plating as internal cell error |
14:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 1A 14:15 Uhr Dr. Abdelaziz Abdellatif Co-Autoren: Peter Sichler, Michael Kasper, Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Thomas Waldmann Zentrum für Sonnenenergie-und Wasserstoff- Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) On-line gas detection during the thermal runaway of Li-ion cells by coupling ARC with a mass spectrometer and external sensors |
14:30 | 29.3.2022 Cell Level 1 14:30 Uhr |
Session 1B: Material Level 1
Session chair: Dr. Thomas Soczka-Guth, Daimler Truck AG // Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens ZSW
13:30 | Prolonged Cycling Life of Si@Graphite Composite Anodes Enabling with a Polymeric Artificial SEI Protective Layer | Dr. Mozaffar Abdollahifar | TU Braunschweig, iPAT |
13:45 | Low-cost “super” binder for silicon | PhD Surya Moganty | Sionic Energy |
14:00 | Pre-lithiation of Silicon Anodes by Thermal Evaporation of Lithium for Boosting Energy Density of Lithium Ion Cells | MSc Egy Adhitama Co-Autoren: Frederico D. Brandao, Iris Dienwiebel, Marlena M. Bela, Atif Javed, Lukas Haneke, Marian C. Stan, Martin Winter, Aurora Gomez-Martin, Tobias Placke | MEET Battery Research Center, WWU Münster |
14:15 | Pre-Lithiation of Silicon-Based Anodes via Electrolysis of Cost-Efficient Lithium Salts | Lukas Haneke Co-Autoren: Felix Pfeiffer, Peer Bärmann, Jens Wrogemann, Christoph Peschel, Jonas Neumann, Sascha Nowak, Egbert Figemeier, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke | MEET Battery Research Center, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
14:30 | Discussion |
13:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 1B 13:30 Uhr Dr. Mozaffar Abdollahifar TU Braunschweig, iPAT Prolonged Cycling Life of Si@Graphite Composite Anodes Enabling with a Polymeric Artificial SEI Protective Layer |
13:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 1B 13:45 Uhr PhD Surya Moganty Sionic Energy Low-cost “super” binder for silicon |
14:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 1B 14:00 Uhr MSc Egy Adhitama Co-Autoren: Frederico D. Brandao, Iris Dienwiebel, Marlena M. Bela, Atif Javed, Lukas Haneke, Marian C. Stan, Martin Winter, Aurora Gomez-Martin, Tobias Placke MEET Battery Research Center, WWU Münster Pre-lithiation of Silicon Anodes by Thermal Evaporation of Lithium for Boosting Energy Density of Lithium Ion Cells |
14:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 1B 14:15 Uhr Lukas Haneke Co-Autoren: Felix Pfeiffer, Peer Bärmann, Jens Wrogemann, Christoph Peschel, Jonas Neumann, Sascha Nowak, Egbert Figemeier, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke MEET Battery Research Center, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Pre-Lithiation of Silicon-Based Anodes via Electrolysis of Cost-Efficient Lithium Salts |
14:30 | 29.3.2022 Material Level 1 14:30 Uhr |
Session 1C: Battery Life cycle 1
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Jens Tübke, Fraunhofer ICT
13:30 | Scanning Acoustic Microscopy of Side Reactions During Initial Cycles of Commercial Lithium-Ion Cells | David Wasylowski Co-Autoren: Niklas Kisseler, Morian Sonnet, Heinrich Ditler, Georg Fuchs, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA, RWTH Aachen University |
13:45 | Digital twins for sustainable battery cell production | Dr. Jonathan Krauß und Alexander Dieter Kies Co-Autoren: Robert H. Schmitt | Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB & Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT |
14:00 | Effect of Doping on the Reuse of Recycled Positive Electrode Materials in Li-Ion Batteries | Master of Science (Tech.) Katja Lahtinen Co-Autoren: Tanja Kallio, Eeva-Leena Rautama, Hua Jiang, Samuli Räsänen, Chao Peng, Elena Medina, Pertti Kauranen, Maarit Karppinen, Benjamin Wilson, Mari Lundström | Aalto University |
14:15 | The importance of the battery use phase for sustainability | Ph.D. Jacqueline Edge Co-Autoren: Dr. Laura Lander, Prof. Greg Offer | Imperial College London |
14:30 | Discussion |
13:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 1C 13:30 Uhr David Wasylowski Co-Autoren: Niklas Kisseler, Morian Sonnet, Heinrich Ditler, Georg Fuchs, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA, RWTH Aachen University Scanning Acoustic Microscopy of Side Reactions During Initial Cycles of Commercial Lithium-Ion Cells |
13:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 1C 13:45 Uhr Dr. Jonathan Krauß und Alexander Dieter Kies Co-Autoren: Robert H. Schmitt Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB & Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT Digital twins for sustainable battery cell production |
14:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 1C 14:00 Uhr Master of Science (Tech.) Katja Lahtinen Co-Autoren: Tanja Kallio, Eeva-Leena Rautama, Hua Jiang, Samuli Räsänen, Chao Peng, Elena Medina, Pertti Kauranen, Maarit Karppinen, Benjamin Wilson, Mari Lundström Aalto University Effect of Doping on the Reuse of Recycled Positive Electrode Materials in Li-Ion Batteries |
14:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 1C 14:15 Uhr Ph.D. Jacqueline Edge Co-Autoren: Dr. Laura Lander, Prof. Greg Offer Imperial College London The importance of the battery use phase for sustainability |
14:30 | 29.3.2022 Battery life cycle 1 14:30 Uhr |
Poster session and exhibition
Poster session(uneven poster numbers) and exhibition
Parallel session 2
Session 2A: Cell Level 2
Session chair: Dr. Gerhard Hörpel, GBH Gesellschaft für Batterie Know-how mbH // Dr. Jonathan Helbig, Umlaut SE
16:00 | Direct design comparison of Li-ion cells in the formats PHEV1, pouch, 18650, and 21700 built on pilot-scale | Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Waldmann Co-Autoren: S. Rössler, M. Blessing, R.-G. Scurtu, D. Brändle, R. Schäfer, W. Braunwarth, M. Wohlfahrt-Mehrens | Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) |
16:15 | Aging model development for degradation mechanisms of C6/LiFePO4 batteries | Dr. Minfg Jiang Co-Autoren: Dongjiang Li, Dmitri Danilov, Yong Yang, Peter H.L. Notten | SVOLT Energy Technology Co., Ltd. |
16:30 | Prediction of loss of lithium caused by anode overhang effects – Model validation and parameter study | Mark Junker Co-Autoren: Jinsong Zhang, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA-RWTH Aachen |
16:45 | Inhomogeneous ageing in lithium-ion batteries caused by temperature gradients | Sabine Paarmann Co-Autoren: Daniel Werner, Kathrin Schuld, Thomas Wetzel | KIT |
17:00 | Discussion |
16:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 2A 16:00 Uhr Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Waldmann Co-Autoren: S. Rössler, M. Blessing, R.-G. Scurtu, D. Brändle, R. Schäfer, W. Braunwarth, M. Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) Direct design comparison of Li-ion cells in the formats PHEV1, pouch, 18650, and 21700 built on pilot-scale |
16:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 2A 16:15 Uhr Dr. Minfg Jiang Co-Autoren: Dongjiang Li, Dmitri Danilov, Yong Yang, Peter H.L. Notten SVOLT Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Aging model development for degradation mechanisms of C6/LiFePO4 batteries |
16:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 2A 16:30 Uhr Mark Junker Co-Autoren: Jinsong Zhang, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA-RWTH Aachen Prediction of loss of lithium caused by anode overhang effects – Model validation and parameter study |
16:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 2A 16:45 Uhr Sabine Paarmann Co-Autoren: Daniel Werner, Kathrin Schuld, Thomas Wetzel KIT Inhomogeneous ageing in lithium-ion batteries caused by temperature gradients |
17:00 | 29.3.2022 Cell Level 2 17:00 Uhr |
Session 2B: Applications
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger, TH Ingolstadt // Andreas O. Störmer, BMW Group
16:00 | Effects of different parameters on the behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries under crushing loads | M. Sc. Alexander Hahn Co-Autoren: Doose, Stefan; Kwade, Arno | TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik |
16:15 | A machine learning-based framework for online prediction of battery ageing trajectory and lifetime | Master of Science Yizhou Zhang | Chalmers University of Technology |
16:30 | Customized design of lithium-ion batteries for residential photovoltaic systems: Techno-economic analysis and optimization | Lotfollah Khanbaei Co-Autoren: Robert Malina, Marc Meuris, Mohammadhosein Safari, | Hasselt University |
16:45 | Statistical evaluation and estimation of the influence of the primary reserve market on the hybrid large-scale battery storage “M5Bat” | M.Sc. Kevin Jacqué Co-Autoren: Lucas Koltermann, Jan Figgener, Sebastian Zurmühlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA - RWTH Aachen University |
17:00 | Discussion |
16:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 2B 16:00 Uhr M. Sc. Alexander Hahn Co-Autoren: Doose, Stefan; Kwade, Arno TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik Effects of different parameters on the behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries under crushing loads |
16:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 2B 16:15 Uhr Master of Science Yizhou Zhang Chalmers University of Technology A machine learning-based framework for online prediction of battery ageing trajectory and lifetime |
16:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 2B 16:30 Uhr Lotfollah Khanbaei Co-Autoren: Robert Malina, Marc Meuris, Mohammadhosein Safari, Hasselt University Customized design of lithium-ion batteries for residential photovoltaic systems: Techno-economic analysis and optimization |
16:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 2B 16:45 Uhr M.Sc. Kevin Jacqué Co-Autoren: Lucas Koltermann, Jan Figgener, Sebastian Zurmühlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA - RWTH Aachen University Statistical evaluation and estimation of the influence of the primary reserve market on the hybrid large-scale battery storage “M5Bat” |
17:00 | 29.3.2022 Applications 17:00 Uhr |
Session 2C: Battery life cycle 2
Session chair: Dr. Matthias Ullrich, Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft // Dr. Falko Schappacher, WWU Münster, MEET
16:00 | The Reuse of Recycled Graphite in Lithium-Ion Anodes | MSc. Mayokun Olutogun Co-Autoren: Anna Vanderbruggen, Martin Rudolph, Stefano Passerini and Dominic Bresser | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
16:15 | Financial viability of electric vehicle battery recycling | Laura Lander Co-Autoren: Tom Cleaver, Mohammad A. Rajaeifar, Viet Nguyen-Tien, Robert J. R. Elliott, Oliver Heidrich, Emma Kendrick, Jacqueline S. Edge, Gregory Offer | Imperial College London |
16:30 | Re-Use of BEV-batteries in a megawatt scale better than recycling? | Dr. Jürgen Kölch | EVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH |
16:45 | Battery Passport – a positive impact to the battery life-cycle CO2? | Martin Rothbart Co-Autoren: Christoph SAMS | AVL List GmbH |
17:00 | Discussion |
16:00 | 29.3.2022 Session 2C 16:00 Uhr MSc. Mayokun Olutogun Co-Autoren: Anna Vanderbruggen, Martin Rudolph, Stefano Passerini and Dominic Bresser Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) The Reuse of Recycled Graphite in Lithium-Ion Anodes |
16:15 | 29.3.2022 Session 2C 16:15 Uhr Laura Lander Co-Autoren: Tom Cleaver, Mohammad A. Rajaeifar, Viet Nguyen-Tien, Robert J. R. Elliott, Oliver Heidrich, Emma Kendrick, Jacqueline S. Edge, Gregory Offer Imperial College London Financial viability of electric vehicle battery recycling |
16:30 | 29.3.2022 Session 2C 16:30 Uhr Dr. Jürgen Kölch EVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH Re-Use of BEV-batteries in a megawatt scale better than recycling? |
16:45 | 29.3.2022 Session 2C 16:45 Uhr Martin Rothbart Co-Autoren: Christoph SAMS AVL List GmbH Battery Passport – a positive impact to the battery life-cycle CO2? |
17:00 | 29.3.2022 Battery life cycle 2 17:00 Uhr |
Plenary talks // Keynote Speaker
Sessionleiter: Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter
Room: Plenary Hall
17:20 – 18:00
End of Day 1
Room: Plenary Hall
Evening Reception and Poster Price Ceremony
18:15 – 22:00
The evening event in a relaxed atmosphere - ideal for networking and for the best entertainment - will take place at the at the Jovel Music Hall, Albersloher Weg 54, 48155 Münster, which is just around the corner.
Poster Price Ceremony
The Poster Award is one of the traditional highlights of the Battery Conference. It is sponsored by Volkswagen AG, the International Society of Electrochemistry and Haus der Technik for the three best scientific posters.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter

Day 2 // March 30, 2022
Prof. Dr. Martin Winter
University of Münster I MEET & FZ Jülich I Helmholtz Institute Münster
Room: Plenary Hall
Dr. Daniela Werlich
Customcells, Itzehoe
Poster session and exhibition
Poster session(uneven poster numbers) and exhibition
Lunch break and exhibition
Parallel session 3
Session 3A: Cell Level 3
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Dirk-Uwe Sauer, ISEA
13:15 | Electrolyte Optimisation via Float-Current Measurement for High-Nickel/Graphite-SiOx Cells | Gereon Stahl Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen |
13:30 | Direct characterization of float currents to estimate the aging be-havior and path dependence | Dr. Meinert Lewerenz Co-Autoren: Michael Theiler, Christian Endisch | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
13:45 | The Impact of Thermal Gradients on the Aging Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries | M.Sc. Matthias Faber Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
14:00 | Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation: Measuring Rapid Loss of Active Silicon in Silicon-Graphite Composite Electrodes | PhD Niall Kirkaldy Co-Autoren: Mohammad Amin Samieian, Gregory J. Offer, Monica Marinescu, Yatish Patel | Imperial College London |
14:15 | Discussion |
13:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 3A 13:15 Uhr Gereon Stahl Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen Electrolyte Optimisation via Float-Current Measurement for High-Nickel/Graphite-SiOx Cells |
13:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 3A 13:30 Uhr Dr. Meinert Lewerenz Co-Autoren: Michael Theiler, Christian Endisch Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Direct characterization of float currents to estimate the aging be-havior and path dependence |
13:45 | 30.03.2022 Session 3A 13:45 Uhr M.Sc. Matthias Faber Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University The Impact of Thermal Gradients on the Aging Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries |
14:00 | 30.3.2022 Session 3A 14:00 Uhr PhD Niall Kirkaldy Co-Autoren: Mohammad Amin Samieian, Gregory J. Offer, Monica Marinescu, Yatish Patel Imperial College London Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation: Measuring Rapid Loss of Active Silicon in Silicon-Graphite Composite Electrodes |
14:15 | 30.3.2022 Cell Level 3 14:15 Uhr |
Session 3B: Material Level 2
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini, Helmholtz-Institut Ulm
13:15 | Li+ concentration waves created in the electrolyte during operation of Li-ion batteries with porous graphite-based electrodes | Zhiqiang Chen Co-Autoren: Dmitri L. Danilov, Rüdiger-A. Eichel, Peter H.L. Notten | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
13:30 | Moisture sorption and microstructural and electrochemical properties of Nickel-rich NCM based cathodes processed in normal atmosphere | Master of Science Fabienne Huttner Co-Autoren: Julian K. Mayer, Carina A. Heck, Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
13:45 | Moderately Concentrated Acetonitrile-containing Electrolytes with High Ionic Conductivity for Durability-oriented Lithium-Ion Batteries | Dr. Yuto Iizuka Co-Autoren: Naoki Matsuoka, Hirokazu Kamine | ASAHI Kasei Europe GmbH |
14:00 | Revealing species distribution and morphology of SEI formation using kinetic Monte Carlo | Michail Gerasimov Co-Autoren: Fernando A. Soto, Janika Wagner, Perla B. Balbuena, Ulrike Krewer | Karlsruhe Institute for Technology |
14:15 | Discussion |
13:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 3B 13:15 Uhr Zhiqiang Chen Co-Autoren: Dmitri L. Danilov, Rüdiger-A. Eichel, Peter H.L. Notten Forschungszentrum Jülich Li+ concentration waves created in the electrolyte during operation of Li-ion batteries with porous graphite-based electrodes |
13:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 3B 13:30 Uhr Master of Science Fabienne Huttner Co-Autoren: Julian K. Mayer, Carina A. Heck, Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig Moisture sorption and microstructural and electrochemical properties of Nickel-rich NCM based cathodes processed in normal atmosphere |
13:45 | 30.3.2022 Session 3B 13:45 Uhr Dr. Yuto Iizuka Co-Autoren: Naoki Matsuoka, Hirokazu Kamine ASAHI Kasei Europe GmbH Moderately Concentrated Acetonitrile-containing Electrolytes with High Ionic Conductivity for Durability-oriented Lithium-Ion Batteries |
14:00 | 30.3.2022 Session 3B 14:00 Uhr Michail Gerasimov Co-Autoren: Fernando A. Soto, Janika Wagner, Perla B. Balbuena, Ulrike Krewer Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Revealing species distribution and morphology of SEI formation using kinetic Monte Carlo |
14:15 | 30.3.2022 Material Level 2 14:15 Uhr |
Session 3C: Pack Level
Session chair: Dr. Peter Pilgram, Audi AG // Dr. Volker Hennige, AVL List GmbH
13:15 | A Consensus Algorithm for Multi-Objective Battery Balancing | Dr Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: Ricardo de Castro, Yihao Wan and Tomislav Dragicevic | Imperial College London |
13:30 | Abuse Simulation of Battery Packs based on the Testing of Single Battery Cells | Dr.-Ing. Robert Kießling | 4 a engineering GmbH |
13:45 | Measuring inhomogeneous pressure distribution in lithium-ion pouch cells during long-term ageing | M.Sc. Sascha Berg Co-Autoren: Hendrik Laufen, Julian Engeser, Fabian Frie, Egbert Figgemeier | RWTH Aachen |
14:00 | Simulating the Temperature Spread within a Commercial Li-Ion Battery Module - A performant and non-destructive Characterization and Modeling Process | Alexander Reiter Co-Autoren: Susanne Lehner, Oliver Bohlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Munich University of Applied Sciences |
14:15 | Discussion |
13:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 3C 13:15 Uhr Dr Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: Ricardo de Castro, Yihao Wan and Tomislav Dragicevic Imperial College London A Consensus Algorithm for Multi-Objective Battery Balancing |
13:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 3C 13:30 Uhr Dr.-Ing. Robert Kießling 4 a engineering GmbH Abuse Simulation of Battery Packs based on the Testing of Single Battery Cells |
13:45 | 30.3.2022 Session 3C 13:45 Uhr M.Sc. Sascha Berg Co-Autoren: Hendrik Laufen, Julian Engeser, Fabian Frie, Egbert Figgemeier RWTH Aachen Measuring inhomogeneous pressure distribution in lithium-ion pouch cells during long-term ageing |
14:00 | 30.03.2022 Session 3C 14:00 Uhr Alexander Reiter Co-Autoren: Susanne Lehner, Oliver Bohlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer Munich University of Applied Sciences Simulating the Temperature Spread within a Commercial Li-Ion Battery Module - A performant and non-destructive Characterization and Modeling Process |
14:15 | 30.3.2022 Pack level 14:15 Uhr |
Poster session and exhibition
Poster session(even poster numbers) and exhibition
Parallel session 4
Session 4A: Cel Level 4
Session chair: Dr. Eberhard Meissner, Battery expert // Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Krewer, IAM-WET, KIT Karslruhe
15:15 | Data-driven parameter identification of an electrochemical model for lithium-ion batteries with artificial intelligence | M. Sc. Weihan Li Co-Autoren: Iskender Demir, Decheng Cao, Dominik Jöst, Florian Ringbeck, Mark Junker, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University |
15:30 | Configuration and Sizing of Machine Learning Algorithms for Battery SOC, SOH, and Temperature Estimation | Ph.D. Phillip Kollmeyer Co-Autoren: Carlos Vidal, Ephrem Chemali, Mina Naguib, Ali Emadi | McMaster University |
15:45 | Lithium-ion battery degradation: how to model it | PhD Simon O'Kane Co-Autoren: Weilong Ai, Ganesh Madabattula, Diego Alonso-Alvarez, Robert Timms, Valentin Sulzer, Jacqueline Sophie Edge, Billy Wu, Gregory J. Offer, Monica Marinescu | Imperial College London |
16:00 | Aging mechanisms of C6/NCM Li-ion batteries unraveled by non-destructive and postmortem methods | PhD Dongjiang Li Co-Autoren: Ming Jiang, Dmitri Danilov, Yong Yang, Peter H.L. Notten | SVOLT Energy Technology Co., Ltd. |
16:15 | Discussion |
15:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 4A 15:15 Uhr M. Sc. Weihan Li Co-Autoren: Iskender Demir, Decheng Cao, Dominik Jöst, Florian Ringbeck, Mark Junker, Dirk Uwe Sauer Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University Data-driven parameter identification of an electrochemical model for lithium-ion batteries with artificial intelligence |
15:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 4A 15:30 Uhr Ph.D. Phillip Kollmeyer Co-Autoren: Carlos Vidal, Ephrem Chemali, Mina Naguib, Ali Emadi McMaster University Configuration and Sizing of Machine Learning Algorithms for Battery SOC, SOH, and Temperature Estimation |
15:45 | 30.3.2022 Session 4A 15:45 Uhr PhD Simon O'Kane Co-Autoren: Weilong Ai, Ganesh Madabattula, Diego Alonso-Alvarez, Robert Timms, Valentin Sulzer, Jacqueline Sophie Edge, Billy Wu, Gregory J. Offer, Monica Marinescu Imperial College London Lithium-ion battery degradation: how to model it |
16:00 | 30.3.2022 Session 4A 16:00 Uhr PhD Dongjiang Li Co-Autoren: Ming Jiang, Dmitri Danilov, Yong Yang, Peter H.L. Notten SVOLT Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Aging mechanisms of C6/NCM Li-ion batteries unraveled by non-destructive and postmortem methods |
16:15 | 30.3.2022 Cell Level 4 16:15 Uhr |
Session 4B: Material Level 3
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Petr Novák, Technische Universität Braunschweig // Dr. Holger Althues, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS)
15:15 | Control-Oriented Modeling of All-Solid-State Batteries | PhD Yang Li Co-Autoren: Torsten Wik, Yicun Huang, Changfu Zou | Chalmers University of Technology |
15:30 | Mg-Ion-Based Dual-Ion Batteries - An Electrolyte Study | Verena Küpers Co-Autoren: Jan Frederik Dohmann, Dr. Peter Bieker, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter, Dr. Tobias Placke, Dr. Martin Kolek | MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology, WWU Münster |
15:45 | Elucidating the Role of Microstructure in Thiophosphate Electrolytes – a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of β-Li3PS4 | Tugce Ates Co-Autoren: Anton Neumann, Timo Danner, Arnulf Latz, Maider Zarrabeitia, Dominik Stepien, Alberto Varzi, Stefano Passerini | Helmholtz-Institute-Ulm / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
16:00 | Module & Battery Integration of All-Solid-State Lithium Ion Cells | DI Dr. Isabel Hanghofer Co-Autoren: W. Prochazka, D. Tapler, C. Klement | AVL List GmbH |
16:15 | Discussion |
15:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 4B 15:15 Uhr PhD Yang Li Co-Autoren: Torsten Wik, Yicun Huang, Changfu Zou Chalmers University of Technology Control-Oriented Modeling of All-Solid-State Batteries |
15:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 4B 15:30 Uhr Verena Küpers Co-Autoren: Jan Frederik Dohmann, Dr. Peter Bieker, Prof. Dr. Martin Winter, Dr. Tobias Placke, Dr. Martin Kolek MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology, WWU Münster Mg-Ion-Based Dual-Ion Batteries - An Electrolyte Study |
15:45 | 30/03/2022 Session 4B 15:45 Uhr Tugce Ates Co-Autoren: Anton Neumann, Timo Danner, Arnulf Latz, Maider Zarrabeitia, Dominik Stepien, Alberto Varzi, Stefano Passerini Helmholtz-Institute-Ulm / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Elucidating the Role of Microstructure in Thiophosphate Electrolytes – a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of β-Li3PS4 |
16:00 | 30.3.2022 Session 4B 16:00 Uhr DI Dr. Isabel Hanghofer Co-Autoren: W. Prochazka, D. Tapler, C. Klement AVL List GmbH Module & Battery Integration of All-Solid-State Lithium Ion Cells |
16:15 | 30.3.2022 Material Level 3 16:15 Uhr |
Session 4C: Battery Life Cycle 3
Session chair: Dr. Alexander Warnecke, HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA // Prof. Dr. Arno Kwade, Technische Universität Braunschweig
15:15 | Sustainable manufacturing route of polymer electrolyte based all-solid-state separators by a highly scalable film casting process | Laura Helmers Co-Autoren: Eike Wiegmann, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade | TU Braunschweig |
15:30 | Recent progress in continuous slurry production - towards smart manufacturing of electrode slurries | M.Sc. Marcel Dittmer | TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik |
15:45 | Lithium Ion Cell Quality Assurance and Good Manufacturing Practices | PhD Daniel Torelli Co-Autoren: Troy Hayes, Hernan Sanchez | Exponent |
16:00 | Learning from swarms: mini sensors for measuring the layer thickness of batteries | Patrick Voos | OptiSense Gesellschaft für Optische Prozessmesstechnik mbH & Co. KG |
16:15 | Discussion |
15:15 | 30.3.2022 Session 4C 15:15 Uhr Laura Helmers Co-Autoren: Eike Wiegmann, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade TU Braunschweig Sustainable manufacturing route of polymer electrolyte based all-solid-state separators by a highly scalable film casting process |
15:30 | 30.3.2022 Session 4C 15:30 Uhr M.Sc. Marcel Dittmer TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik Recent progress in continuous slurry production - towards smart manufacturing of electrode slurries |
15:45 | 30.3.2022 Session 4C 15:45 Uhr PhD Daniel Torelli Co-Autoren: Troy Hayes, Hernan Sanchez Exponent Lithium Ion Cell Quality Assurance and Good Manufacturing Practices |
16:00 | 30.3.2022 Session 4C 16:00 Uhr Patrick Voos OptiSense Gesellschaft für Optische Prozessmesstechnik mbH & Co. KG Learning from swarms: mini sensors for measuring the layer thickness of batteries |
16:15 | 30.3.2022 Battery life cycle 3 16:15 Uhr |
Poster Video Award
Plenary Talks // Keynote Speaker
Room: Plenary Hall
Caspar Rawles
Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
End of conference
P1-002 | Recent electrode and electrolyte developments for Lithium-Sulfur prototype cells and their present and future applications | Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Dörfler Co-Autoren: H. Althues, F. Schmidt, T. Boenke, P. Härtel, B. Schumm,T. Abendroth, S. Kaskel | Fraunhofer IWS |
P1-003 | Lithium Plating Detection and Characterization Utilizing Impedance Changes During the Lithium Deposition | Julian Marscheider Co-Autoren: Steffen Rauschenbach, Julia Kowal | Technische Universität Berlin |
P1-004 | Development of Si-anode based lithium-ion battery for integration in photovoltaic charging battery system | Niloofar Hamzelui Co-Autoren: Li-chung Kin, Julian Köhler, Oleksandr Astakhov, Zhifa Liu, Thomas Kirchartz, Uwe Rau, Gebrekidan Gebresilassie Eshetu, Tsvetelina Merdzhanova, Egbert Figgemeier | ISEA RWTH-Aachen |
P1-005 | Application-oriented analysis of ageing processes in Li-C half cells | Jan Petit Co-Autoren: Pedro Marquezini, Mike Wernado, Markus Hagen, Jens Tübke | Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) |
P1-006 | Atomistic modeling of silicon–carbon-based nanocomposite anodes for lithium-ion batteries | Stephane Brice Olouou Guifo Co-Autoren: Jonathan E. Mueller, Adrianus C. T. van Duin, David Henriques, Torsten Markus | Volkswagen AG |
P1-007 | Borate-Free Electrolytes for Calcium Metal Batteries | Julia Wellmann Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Elie Paillard | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
P1-008 | Investigations on Lithium Deposition as a Function of Current Densities with an Optically Accessible Cell | Hannes Kühnle Co-Autoren: Edwin Knobbe, Egbert Figgemeier | ISEA / RWTH Aachen University |
P1-009 | Physical Vapor Deposition of Metallic Lithium Layers and Lithiated Silicon Layers for High-Performance Anodes | Dr. Stefan Saager Co-Autoren: Ludwig Decker, Torsten Kopte, Bert Scheffel | Fraunhofer-Institut für Organische Elektronik, Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP |
P1-010 | Recent development on materials, components, and processes for thiophosphate-based all-solid-state-batteries | Dr. Felix Hippauf | Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology |
P1-011 | Interactions of cation disordered rocksalt cathodes with various electrolytes | Jan-Paul Brinkmann Co-Autoren: Niloofar Ehteshami-Flammer, Mingzeng Luo, Marco Leißing, Stephan Röser, Sascha Nowak, Yong Yang, Martin Winter, Jie Lie | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
P1-012 | Medium-Temperature Sodium-Iodine Battery System | M.Sc. Frank Schäfer | Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT) |
P1-013 | Alternative sustainable binders and solvents for cathode application in Li-ion battery | Ayse Yarangünü | TU Braunschweig, Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik |
P1-014 | Dendritic Nickel Structures in Air Electrodes | Marvin Kosin Co-Autoren: Jan Girschik, Jens Burfeind, Ulf-Peter Apfel, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch | Fraunhofer UMSICHT |
P1-015 | Improving the Li ion flux by a lithiophilic protective layer and morphological investigations of HSAL formation | Marlena Maria Bela Co-Autoren: Peter Bieker, Martin Winter and Marian Cristian Stan | MEET Batterieforschungszentrum |
P1-016 | Significance of Additive Selection for Effective SEI during Prelithiation and Its Influence on Long-term Cyclability | Hyunsang Joo Co-Autoren: Gebrekidan Gebresilassie Eshetu, Egbert Figgemeier | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
P1-017 | Laser sintering of ceramic-based solid-state battery materials | Linda Hoff | Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik (ILT) |
P1-018 | Shrinking-core degradation model of high-nickel cathodes | Ph.D. Mingzhao Zhuo Co-Autoren: Monica Marinescu; Gregory Offer | Imperial College London |
P1-019 | High Temperature Formation - Supressing gas evolution in LTO||NCM111 Pouch Cells | M. Sc. Lennart Alsheimer Co-Autoren: Christoph Peschel, Iris Dienwiebel, Martin Winter, Markus Börner | WWU |
P1-020 | Highly toxic Organofluorophosphates as Electrochemical Aging Products during Formation at 4.8 V in NCM622/SG-3 Lithium Ion Batteries | MSc Maximilian Kubot Co-Autoren: Bastian von Holtum, Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Martin Winter and Sascha Nowak | MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology |
P1-021 | Effective Stabilization of NCM622 Cathodes in Aqueous/Non-Aqueous Hybrid Electrolytes by Adding a Phosphazene Derivate | Leilei Du Co-Autoren: Xu Hou, Lukas Haneke, Richard Schmuch, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke, Jie Li | University of Münster |
P1-023 | The Impact of Transition Metal Dopants in Conversion/Alloying Lithium-Ion Anodes on Structure, SEI Formation and Electrochemical Performance | Dr. Tobias Eisenmann Co-Autoren: Adele Birrozzi, Angelo Mullaliu, Jakob Asenbauer, Gabriele Giuli, Angela Trapananti, S. Javad Rezvani, Stefano Passerini, Dominic Bresser | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
P1-024 | Data-Driven Analysis of High-Throughput Experiments on Liquid Battery Electrolyte Formulations | Peng Yan | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
P1-025 | Silicon-Carbon Composite-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries | Master of Science Lukas Alexander Dold Co-Autoren: H. D. Dağlı, J. Horzel, H. Gentischer, A. Fischer, K. P. Birke, D. Biro | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE |
P1-026 | Customized electrolyte solutions from E-Lyte Innovations for high-energy lithium-ion batteries containing silicon-based anodes and nickel-rich cathodes | Dr. Mirco Ruttert Co-Autoren: Kolja Beltrop, Stephan Röser, Sebastian Staiger, Ralf Wagner | E-Lyte Innovations GmbH |
P1-027 | Modeling tailor-made 3D-structures of solid-state polymer cathodes | Dr. Christine Burmeister Co-Autoren: Laura Helmers, Linus Froböse, Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P1-028 | Establishment of an extrusion process for the scalable production of sulfide-based SSBs | M.Sc. Mattis Batzer Co-Autoren: Kevin Voges, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik |
P1-029 | Densification of cathodes and separators with sulfide-based solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries | Heck Carina Co-Autoren: Dominik Steckermeier, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade | TU Braunschweig - Institute for Particle Technology |
P1-030 | Investigation of Tailored Carbons on the Solubility of Poly(3-vinyl-N-methylphenothiazine)-Based Electrodes for Organic Batteries | Bärbel Tengen Co-Autoren: Niklas Ortlieb, Gauthier Studer, Verena Perner, Anna Fischer, Birgit Esser, Peter Bieker, Martin Winter | University of Münster |
P1-031 | Silicon based Anodes for sulfide based All-Solid-State-Batteries | Tobias Neumann Co-Autoren: M. Argente Manzur, D. Wilhelm, A. Georg, I. Krossing and D. Biro | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE |
P1-032 | Combined polarization-KPFM method to determine changes of the surface potential of ceria-spinel-based dual phase composites. | Christina Schmidt Co-Autoren: L. Fischer, K. Ran, J. Mayer, S. Baumann, K. Neuhaus | Helmholtz Institut Münster / Forschungszentrum Jülich |
P1-033 | Electrolyte degradation – Additives and their impacts on cell performance | Sebastian Klick Co-Autoren: Martin Graff, Fabian Frie, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA - RWTH Aachen |
P1-034 | Effect of additives and binders on the electrochemical performance of Zinc anodes in Zinc - Air Batteries | Dr. Jeroen Volbeda Co-Autoren: Dr. Peter Michalowski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P1-035 | A Molecular Precursor Approach Triggering The growth of Nano-Chevrel-Phase Mo6S8 for Advanced Aqueous Energy Storage Systems | PhD student at the University of Manchester AMR ABDELKADER AHMED SADEK Co-Autoren: Amr Elgendy1,2,4, Athanasios A. Papaderakis1,2, David J. Lewis3, Robert A. W. Dryfe1,2 1Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 2Henry Royce Institute, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 3Department of Materials, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 4Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 11727, Cairo, Egypt. | University of Manchester |
P1-036 | Design and characterization of a polymer/oxide hybrid electrolyte for Li|NMC622 battery application | Gerrit Overhoff Co-Autoren: Md Yusuf Ali, Hans Orthner, Hartmut Wiggers, Martin Winter, Gunther Brunklaus | Helmholtz-Institut Münster / FZ Jülich |
P1-037 | Uncontaminated Preformed SEI on Lithium Metal Electrodes: Impact of Functional Additives | Sebastian P. Kühn Co-Autoren: Dominik Weintz, Martin Winter, Isidora Cekic-Laskovic | Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
P1-038 | Reducing the stress factor in high-energy silicon/graphite composite electrodes through systematic structuring | Nanny Strzelczyk | TU Braunschweig, Institute for Particle Technology |
P1-039 | A standardized approach towards solid-state battery development | Dr. Daniel Dalla Corte Co-Autoren: Lukas Lutz and Luca Scherrer | Sphere Energy SAS |
P1-040 | Challenges of Synthesizing Ni-rich ‘Single Crystal’ Layered Oxide Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries | M.Sc. Materials Science, B.Sc. Chemistry Marco Lüther Co-Autoren: Aurora Gomez-Martin, Richard Schmuch, Tobias Placke, Martin Winter | MEET Battery Research Center |
P1-041 | Model analysis of silicon-based electrodes for lithium ion batteries | PhD Yang Jiang | Imperial college london |
P1-042 | 100%-Si / NCM lithium-ion full cell investigation based on columnar silicon anodes with a tailored microstructure | Sahin Cangaz Co-Autoren: Thomas Abendroth, Jonas Schlaier, Oliver Lohrberg, Susanne Dörfler, Holger Althues, Stefan Kaskel | Fraunhofer IWS |
P1-043 | Structural battery composites with solid-state polymer electrolyte produced by slurry coating | Daniel Vogt | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P1-044 | Decomposition Behavior of LLZTO/NCM Composite Cathodes in Air vs. Argon Atmosphere During Sintering | B. Eng. Elias Reisacher Co-Autoren: Stefan Kreißl, Pinar Kaya, Volker Knoblauch | Aalen University |
P1-045 | Development of silicon polymer electrodes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries | Mara Göttlinger Co-Autoren: Christian Piesold, Mario Weller, Guinevere A. Giffin | Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC |
P1-046 | Safety and operational strategies of lithium-based batteries - dendrite and SEI growth on metallic lithium | Maximilian Braun Co-Autoren: Martin Opitz, Seniz Sörgel, Tatjana Dabrowski, Chia Qian Tong, Matthias Puchta | Forschungsinstitut Edelmetalle + Metallchemie Schwäbisch Gmünd |
P1-047 | Thermal oxidation enables stable microsized mesoporous silicon anode for lithium-ion batteries | MSC Nathiya Kalidas | University of Eastern Finland |
P1-048 | Towards Optimized Electrolyte Formulations for Radical Polymer-based Dual-Ion Batteries | Katharina Rudolf Co-Autoren: Simon Münch, Tobias Placke, Ulrich S. Schubert, Martin Winter | MEET - Battery Research Center |
P1-049 | Improved cyclic stability of Li-alloying type anode materials though nonstructuration for Li-ion batteries | PhD Abirdu Woreka Nemaga Co-Autoren: Jeremy Mallet and Mathieu Morcrette | University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne |
P1-050 | ICP-OES for the investigation of reaction and aging mechanisms in aqueous acidic Zn-MnO2 batteries | M.Sc. Oliver Fitz Co-Autoren: Nico Bertram, Christian Bischoff, Stefan Ingenhoven, Maria Kaczmarek, Harald Gentischer, Kai Peter Birke, Daniel Biro | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE |
P1-051 | Galvanic Corrosion Prevention in Ionic Liquid-based Electrolytes for LMBs | M.Sc. Jan Frederik Dohmann Co-Autoren: L. Untiet, M. Bela, S. v. Wickeren, M. Weiling, M. Winter, P. Bieker | MEET Batterieforschungszentrum |
P1-052 | Generation of innovative Li2S@C active materials via plasma processes | Monique Levien Co-Autoren: S. Hirt, P. Sous, S. Wennig, B. Oberschachtsiek, A. Kruth | Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology |
P1-053 | Titration methods for the determination of hydroxides and carbonates in lithium metal oxide cathode materials | Annika Schür Co-Autoren: William Chesson, Matthias Kuenzel, Stefano Passerini, Dominic Bresser | Helmholtz-Institute Ulm |
P1-054 | Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Solid-State Electrolyte as Coating Layer for Stabilizing Zinc Metal Anode in Mild Aqueous Electrolyte | Huifang Fei | Helmholtz Institute Ulm; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
P1-055 | Effect of silicon fraction and polymer molecular structure on the electrochemical performance of high-capacity lithium-ion cells | Katarzyna Pesta Co-Autoren: R.Gordon, A.Smith, N.Willenbacher | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
P1-057 | Polymeric backbone eutectogel hybrid solid-state electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries | PhD student An-Sofie Kelchtermans Co-Autoren: Bjorn Joos, Dries De Sloovere, Alexander Tesfaye, Travis Thompson, Marlies K. Van Bael, An Hardy | Hasselt University |
P1-058 | Aqueous batteries beyond lithium employing concentrated halide-free electrolytes | PhD Jin Han | Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
P1-059 | Comparison of active and passive fillers for the enhancement of the ionic conductivity of polymer-based electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries | M.Sc. Eun Ju Jeon | Institüt für Partikeltechnik, TU Braunschweig |
P1-060 | Investigation of Iron-Additives for Low-Temperature Graphitization of Coffee Ground and its Application in LIBs | Lars Frankenstein | MEET / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
P1-061 | Application of in-situ dilatometry to investigate the effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the performance of Ni-rich cathodes | Ph.D. Seyedabolfazl Mousavihashemi | Aalto University |
P1-062 | Statistical approaches to powder preparation for Si/C anodes in Li-ion Batteries | Master of Science Alper GUNEREN Co-Autoren: Zoltán Lenčéš | Slovak Academy of Sciences |
P1-063 | Silicon@Graphite/Carbon composite anodes: Influence of various pitch derived carbon coatings, Si sizes and concentrations on performance | Jannes Müller Co-Autoren: Mozaffar Abdollahifar, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P1-064 | Dual lithium salts mediated lithium transfer in viscous cellulose acetate gel-polymer electrolyte | M.Sc. Adjmal Ghaur | Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology |
P1-065 | Comparison of various PVDF latex binder systems for water-based processing of LIBs | M. Eng. Andreas Weber Co-Autoren: Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann, Dr. Marcus Müller, Dr. Werner Bauer | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie |
P1-066 | Investigation of the Influence of a WO₃ Coating on ultrahigh-Ni NCM-type layered Oxide Cathode Materials | M.Sc. Chemistry Friederike Reissig Co-Autoren: Aurora Gomez-Martin, Richard Schmuch, Tobias Placke, Martin Winter | Helmholtz-Institut Münster - Forschungszentrum Jülich IEK-12 |
P1-067 | Advanced Design of Ni-Rich NCM Cathode Materials synthesized by a Continuously Couette‐Taylor Flow Reactor (CTFR) | M.Sc. Marcel Heidbuechel Co-Autoren: Lars Frankenstein, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke, Aurora Gomez-Martin and Richard Schmuch | WWU Muenster |
P1-068 | Porous Carbon Having Rod Shaped Structure from Tea Waste for High Performance Supercapacitor | PhD Khan Abrar Co-Autoren: Pan Junqing, Sedahmed | Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing China |
P1-069 | Optimizing the Aqueous Processing of Li4Ti5O12 Lithium-Ion Anodes | Yun Xu | Helmholtz Institute Ulm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) |
P1-070 | Influence of electrolyte additives on the gassing behaviour in silicon based lithium-ion batteries | M. Sc. Karl Martin Graff | Chair for Aging Processes and Lifetime Prediction of Batteries (ISEA) |
P1-071 | Lithium isotope analysis combining atomic absorption spectroscopy and machine learning | PhD Student Dalia Morcillo Co-Autoren: Alexander Winckelmann, Silke Richter, Sebastian Recknagel, Jens Riedel, Jochen Vogl, Ulrich Panne, Carlos Abad | Bundesanstalt für Material und -Prüfung (BAM) |
P1-072 | Using a Range of Techniques to Provide Comprehensive Information on Battery Materials | Kieran Evans Co-Autoren: Simone Cailotto (Presenter) | PerkinElmer |
P1-002 1. Material Level Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Dörfler Co-Autoren: H. Althues, F. Schmidt, T. Boenke, P. Härtel, B. Schumm,T. Abendroth, S. Kaskel Fraunhofer IWS Recent electrode and electrolyte developments for Lithium-Sulfur prototype cells and their present and future applications |
P1-003 1. Material Level Julian Marscheider Co-Autoren: Steffen Rauschenbach, Julia Kowal Technische Universität Berlin Lithium Plating Detection and Characterization Utilizing Impedance Changes During the Lithium Deposition |
P1-004 1. Material Level Niloofar Hamzelui Co-Autoren: Li-chung Kin, Julian Köhler, Oleksandr Astakhov, Zhifa Liu, Thomas Kirchartz, Uwe Rau, Gebrekidan Gebresilassie Eshetu, Tsvetelina Merdzhanova, Egbert Figgemeier ISEA RWTH-Aachen Development of Si-anode based lithium-ion battery for integration in photovoltaic charging battery system |
P1-005 1. Material Level Jan Petit Co-Autoren: Pedro Marquezini, Mike Wernado, Markus Hagen, Jens Tübke Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) Application-oriented analysis of ageing processes in Li-C half cells |
P1-006 1. Material Level Stephane Brice Olouou Guifo Co-Autoren: Jonathan E. Mueller, Adrianus C. T. van Duin, David Henriques, Torsten Markus Volkswagen AG Atomistic modeling of silicon–carbon-based nanocomposite anodes for lithium-ion batteries |
P1-007 1. Material Level Julia Wellmann Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Elie Paillard Forschungszentrum Jülich Borate-Free Electrolytes for Calcium Metal Batteries |
P1-008 1. Material Level Hannes Kühnle Co-Autoren: Edwin Knobbe, Egbert Figgemeier ISEA / RWTH Aachen University Investigations on Lithium Deposition as a Function of Current Densities with an Optically Accessible Cell |
P1-009 1. Material Level Dr. Stefan Saager Co-Autoren: Ludwig Decker, Torsten Kopte, Bert Scheffel Fraunhofer-Institut für Organische Elektronik, Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP Physical Vapor Deposition of Metallic Lithium Layers and Lithiated Silicon Layers for High-Performance Anodes |
P1-010 1. Material Level Dr. Felix Hippauf Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology Recent development on materials, components, and processes for thiophosphate-based all-solid-state-batteries |
P1-011 1. Material Level Jan-Paul Brinkmann Co-Autoren: Niloofar Ehteshami-Flammer, Mingzeng Luo, Marco Leißing, Stephan Röser, Sascha Nowak, Yong Yang, Martin Winter, Jie Lie Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Interactions of cation disordered rocksalt cathodes with various electrolytes |
P1-012 1. Material Level M.Sc. Frank Schäfer Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT) Medium-Temperature Sodium-Iodine Battery System |
P1-013 1. Material Level Ayse Yarangünü TU Braunschweig, Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik Alternative sustainable binders and solvents for cathode application in Li-ion battery |
P1-014 1. Material Level Marvin Kosin Co-Autoren: Jan Girschik, Jens Burfeind, Ulf-Peter Apfel, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch Fraunhofer UMSICHT Dendritic Nickel Structures in Air Electrodes |
P1-015 1. Material Level Marlena Maria Bela Co-Autoren: Peter Bieker, Martin Winter and Marian Cristian Stan MEET Batterieforschungszentrum Improving the Li ion flux by a lithiophilic protective layer and morphological investigations of HSAL formation |
P1-016 1. Material Level Hyunsang Joo Co-Autoren: Gebrekidan Gebresilassie Eshetu, Egbert Figgemeier Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Significance of Additive Selection for Effective SEI during Prelithiation and Its Influence on Long-term Cyclability |
P1-017 1. Material Level Linda Hoff Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik (ILT) Laser sintering of ceramic-based solid-state battery materials |
P1-018 1. Material Level Ph.D. Mingzhao Zhuo Co-Autoren: Monica Marinescu; Gregory Offer Imperial College London Shrinking-core degradation model of high-nickel cathodes |
P1-019 1. Material Level M. Sc. Lennart Alsheimer Co-Autoren: Christoph Peschel, Iris Dienwiebel, Martin Winter, Markus Börner WWU High Temperature Formation - Supressing gas evolution in LTO||NCM111 Pouch Cells |
P1-020 1. Material Level MSc Maximilian Kubot Co-Autoren: Bastian von Holtum, Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Martin Winter and Sascha Nowak MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Highly toxic Organofluorophosphates as Electrochemical Aging Products during Formation at 4.8 V in NCM622/SG-3 Lithium Ion Batteries |
P1-021 1. Material Level Leilei Du Co-Autoren: Xu Hou, Lukas Haneke, Richard Schmuch, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke, Jie Li University of Münster Effective Stabilization of NCM622 Cathodes in Aqueous/Non-Aqueous Hybrid Electrolytes by Adding a Phosphazene Derivate |
P1-023 1. Material Level Dr. Tobias Eisenmann Co-Autoren: Adele Birrozzi, Angelo Mullaliu, Jakob Asenbauer, Gabriele Giuli, Angela Trapananti, S. Javad Rezvani, Stefano Passerini, Dominic Bresser Karlsruhe Institute of Technology The Impact of Transition Metal Dopants in Conversion/Alloying Lithium-Ion Anodes on Structure, SEI Formation and Electrochemical Performance |
P1-024 1. Material Level Peng Yan Forschungszentrum Jülich Data-Driven Analysis of High-Throughput Experiments on Liquid Battery Electrolyte Formulations |
P1-025 1. Material Level Master of Science Lukas Alexander Dold Co-Autoren: H. D. Dağlı, J. Horzel, H. Gentischer, A. Fischer, K. P. Birke, D. Biro Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE Silicon-Carbon Composite-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
P1-026 1. Material Level Dr. Mirco Ruttert Co-Autoren: Kolja Beltrop, Stephan Röser, Sebastian Staiger, Ralf Wagner E-Lyte Innovations GmbH Customized electrolyte solutions from E-Lyte Innovations for high-energy lithium-ion batteries containing silicon-based anodes and nickel-rich cathodes |
P1-027 1. Material Level Dr. Christine Burmeister Co-Autoren: Laura Helmers, Linus Froböse, Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig Modeling tailor-made 3D-structures of solid-state polymer cathodes |
P1-028 1. Material Level M.Sc. Mattis Batzer Co-Autoren: Kevin Voges, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik Establishment of an extrusion process for the scalable production of sulfide-based SSBs |
P1-029 1. Material Level Heck Carina Co-Autoren: Dominik Steckermeier, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade TU Braunschweig - Institute for Particle Technology Densification of cathodes and separators with sulfide-based solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries |
P1-030 1. Material Level Bärbel Tengen Co-Autoren: Niklas Ortlieb, Gauthier Studer, Verena Perner, Anna Fischer, Birgit Esser, Peter Bieker, Martin Winter University of Münster Investigation of Tailored Carbons on the Solubility of Poly(3-vinyl-N-methylphenothiazine)-Based Electrodes for Organic Batteries |
P1-031 1. Material Level Tobias Neumann Co-Autoren: M. Argente Manzur, D. Wilhelm, A. Georg, I. Krossing and D. Biro Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE Silicon based Anodes for sulfide based All-Solid-State-Batteries |
P1-032 1. Material Level Christina Schmidt Co-Autoren: L. Fischer, K. Ran, J. Mayer, S. Baumann, K. Neuhaus Helmholtz Institut Münster / Forschungszentrum Jülich Combined polarization-KPFM method to determine changes of the surface potential of ceria-spinel-based dual phase composites. |
P1-033 1. Material Level Sebastian Klick Co-Autoren: Martin Graff, Fabian Frie, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA - RWTH Aachen Electrolyte degradation – Additives and their impacts on cell performance |
P1-034 1. Material Level Dr. Jeroen Volbeda Co-Autoren: Dr. Peter Michalowski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig Effect of additives and binders on the electrochemical performance of Zinc anodes in Zinc - Air Batteries |
P1-035 1. Material Level PhD student at the University of Manchester AMR ABDELKADER AHMED SADEK Co-Autoren: Amr Elgendy1,2,4, Athanasios A. Papaderakis1,2, David J. Lewis3, Robert A. W. Dryfe1,2 1Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 2Henry Royce Institute, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 3Department of Materials, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom 4Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 11727, Cairo, Egypt. University of Manchester A Molecular Precursor Approach Triggering The growth of Nano-Chevrel-Phase Mo6S8 for Advanced Aqueous Energy Storage Systems |
P1-036 1. Material Level Gerrit Overhoff Co-Autoren: Md Yusuf Ali, Hans Orthner, Hartmut Wiggers, Martin Winter, Gunther Brunklaus Helmholtz-Institut Münster / FZ Jülich Design and characterization of a polymer/oxide hybrid electrolyte for Li|NMC622 battery application |
P1-037 1. Material Level Sebastian P. Kühn Co-Autoren: Dominik Weintz, Martin Winter, Isidora Cekic-Laskovic Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Uncontaminated Preformed SEI on Lithium Metal Electrodes: Impact of Functional Additives |
P1-038 1. Material Level Nanny Strzelczyk TU Braunschweig, Institute for Particle Technology Reducing the stress factor in high-energy silicon/graphite composite electrodes through systematic structuring |
P1-039 1. Material Level Dr. Daniel Dalla Corte Co-Autoren: Lukas Lutz and Luca Scherrer Sphere Energy SAS A standardized approach towards solid-state battery development |
P1-040 1. Material Level M.Sc. Materials Science, B.Sc. Chemistry Marco Lüther Co-Autoren: Aurora Gomez-Martin, Richard Schmuch, Tobias Placke, Martin Winter MEET Battery Research Center Challenges of Synthesizing Ni-rich ‘Single Crystal’ Layered Oxide Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries |
P1-041 1. Material Level PhD Yang Jiang Imperial college london Model analysis of silicon-based electrodes for lithium ion batteries |
P1-042 1. Material Level Sahin Cangaz Co-Autoren: Thomas Abendroth, Jonas Schlaier, Oliver Lohrberg, Susanne Dörfler, Holger Althues, Stefan Kaskel Fraunhofer IWS 100%-Si / NCM lithium-ion full cell investigation based on columnar silicon anodes with a tailored microstructure |
P1-043 1. Material Level Daniel Vogt Technische Universität Braunschweig Structural battery composites with solid-state polymer electrolyte produced by slurry coating |
P1-044 1. Material Level B. Eng. Elias Reisacher Co-Autoren: Stefan Kreißl, Pinar Kaya, Volker Knoblauch Aalen University Decomposition Behavior of LLZTO/NCM Composite Cathodes in Air vs. Argon Atmosphere During Sintering |
P1-045 1. Material Level Mara Göttlinger Co-Autoren: Christian Piesold, Mario Weller, Guinevere A. Giffin Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC Development of silicon polymer electrodes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries |
P1-046 1. Material Level Maximilian Braun Co-Autoren: Martin Opitz, Seniz Sörgel, Tatjana Dabrowski, Chia Qian Tong, Matthias Puchta Forschungsinstitut Edelmetalle + Metallchemie Schwäbisch Gmünd Safety and operational strategies of lithium-based batteries - dendrite and SEI growth on metallic lithium |
P1-047 1. Material Level MSC Nathiya Kalidas University of Eastern Finland Thermal oxidation enables stable microsized mesoporous silicon anode for lithium-ion batteries |
P1-048 1. Material Level Katharina Rudolf Co-Autoren: Simon Münch, Tobias Placke, Ulrich S. Schubert, Martin Winter MEET - Battery Research Center Towards Optimized Electrolyte Formulations for Radical Polymer-based Dual-Ion Batteries |
P1-049 1. Material Level PhD Abirdu Woreka Nemaga Co-Autoren: Jeremy Mallet and Mathieu Morcrette University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne Improved cyclic stability of Li-alloying type anode materials though nonstructuration for Li-ion batteries |
P1-050 1. Material Level M.Sc. Oliver Fitz Co-Autoren: Nico Bertram, Christian Bischoff, Stefan Ingenhoven, Maria Kaczmarek, Harald Gentischer, Kai Peter Birke, Daniel Biro Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE ICP-OES for the investigation of reaction and aging mechanisms in aqueous acidic Zn-MnO2 batteries |
P1-051 1. Material Level M.Sc. Jan Frederik Dohmann Co-Autoren: L. Untiet, M. Bela, S. v. Wickeren, M. Weiling, M. Winter, P. Bieker MEET Batterieforschungszentrum Galvanic Corrosion Prevention in Ionic Liquid-based Electrolytes for LMBs |
P1-052 1. Material Level Monique Levien Co-Autoren: S. Hirt, P. Sous, S. Wennig, B. Oberschachtsiek, A. Kruth Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology Generation of innovative Li2S@C active materials via plasma processes |
P1-053 1. Material Level Annika Schür Co-Autoren: William Chesson, Matthias Kuenzel, Stefano Passerini, Dominic Bresser Helmholtz-Institute Ulm Titration methods for the determination of hydroxides and carbonates in lithium metal oxide cathode materials |
P1-054 1. Material Level Huifang Fei Helmholtz Institute Ulm; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Solid-State Electrolyte as Coating Layer for Stabilizing Zinc Metal Anode in Mild Aqueous Electrolyte |
P1-055 1. Material Level Katarzyna Pesta Co-Autoren: R.Gordon, A.Smith, N.Willenbacher Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Effect of silicon fraction and polymer molecular structure on the electrochemical performance of high-capacity lithium-ion cells |
P1-057 1. Material Level PhD student An-Sofie Kelchtermans Co-Autoren: Bjorn Joos, Dries De Sloovere, Alexander Tesfaye, Travis Thompson, Marlies K. Van Bael, An Hardy Hasselt University Polymeric backbone eutectogel hybrid solid-state electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries |
P1-058 1. Material Level PhD Jin Han Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Aqueous batteries beyond lithium employing concentrated halide-free electrolytes |
P1-059 1. Material Level M.Sc. Eun Ju Jeon Institüt für Partikeltechnik, TU Braunschweig Comparison of active and passive fillers for the enhancement of the ionic conductivity of polymer-based electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries |
P1-060 1. Material Level Lars Frankenstein MEET / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Investigation of Iron-Additives for Low-Temperature Graphitization of Coffee Ground and its Application in LIBs |
P1-061 1. Material Level Ph.D. Seyedabolfazl Mousavihashemi Aalto University Application of in-situ dilatometry to investigate the effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the performance of Ni-rich cathodes |
P1-062 1. Material Level Master of Science Alper GUNEREN Co-Autoren: Zoltán Lenčéš Slovak Academy of Sciences Statistical approaches to powder preparation for Si/C anodes in Li-ion Batteries |
P1-063 1. Material Level Jannes Müller Co-Autoren: Mozaffar Abdollahifar, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig Silicon@Graphite/Carbon composite anodes: Influence of various pitch derived carbon coatings, Si sizes and concentrations on performance |
P1-064 1. Material Level M.Sc. Adjmal Ghaur Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Dual lithium salts mediated lithium transfer in viscous cellulose acetate gel-polymer electrolyte |
P1-065 1. Material Level M. Eng. Andreas Weber Co-Autoren: Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann, Dr. Marcus Müller, Dr. Werner Bauer Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Comparison of various PVDF latex binder systems for water-based processing of LIBs |
P1-066 1. Material Level M.Sc. Chemistry Friederike Reissig Co-Autoren: Aurora Gomez-Martin, Richard Schmuch, Tobias Placke, Martin Winter Helmholtz-Institut Münster - Forschungszentrum Jülich IEK-12 Investigation of the Influence of a WO₃ Coating on ultrahigh-Ni NCM-type layered Oxide Cathode Materials |
P1-067 1. Material Level M.Sc. Marcel Heidbuechel Co-Autoren: Lars Frankenstein, Martin Winter, Tobias Placke, Aurora Gomez-Martin and Richard Schmuch WWU Muenster Advanced Design of Ni-Rich NCM Cathode Materials synthesized by a Continuously Couette‐Taylor Flow Reactor (CTFR) |
P1-068 1. Material Level PhD Khan Abrar Co-Autoren: Pan Junqing, Sedahmed Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing China Porous Carbon Having Rod Shaped Structure from Tea Waste for High Performance Supercapacitor |
P1-069 1. Material Level Yun Xu Helmholtz Institute Ulm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Optimizing the Aqueous Processing of Li4Ti5O12 Lithium-Ion Anodes |
P1-070 1. Material Level M. Sc. Karl Martin Graff Chair for Aging Processes and Lifetime Prediction of Batteries (ISEA) Influence of electrolyte additives on the gassing behaviour in silicon based lithium-ion batteries |
P1-071 1. Material Level PhD Student Dalia Morcillo Co-Autoren: Alexander Winckelmann, Silke Richter, Sebastian Recknagel, Jens Riedel, Jochen Vogl, Ulrich Panne, Carlos Abad Bundesanstalt für Material und -Prüfung (BAM) Lithium isotope analysis combining atomic absorption spectroscopy and machine learning |
P1-072 1. Material Level Kieran Evans Co-Autoren: Simone Cailotto (Presenter) PerkinElmer Using a Range of Techniques to Provide Comprehensive Information on Battery Materials |
![]() | Sciospec Scientific Instruments Leipziger Straße 43 B 04828 Bennewitz | | |
![]() | rhd instruments GmbH & Co. KG Otto-Hesse-Straße 19 / T3 64293 Darmstadt/Germany | | |
![]() | TA Instruments - ein Unternehmensbereich der Waters GmbH Helfmann-Park 10 65760 Eschborn | | |
![]() | Bergfeld Lasertech GmbH Roermonder Strasse 110A 52072 Aachen | | |
P2-002 | A Multi Scale Multi Domain Approach For The Modelling Of Large Format Lithium-Ion Battery Cells | Adrian Schmidt Co-Autoren: André Weber, Marc Kamlah, Ellen Ivers-Tiffée | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
P2-003 | State of health estimation based on partial cell charging | Julius Schmitt Co-Autoren: Andreas Jossen | Technical University Munich |
P2-005 | Quantitative Homogeneity Determination of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase After High Temperature Cycling | Bastian Heidrich Co-Autoren: Markus Börner, Martin Winter, Philip Niehoff | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
P2-006 | Trade-off between energy density and fast-charge capability of lithium-ion batteries: A model-based design study for understanding the behavior of thick electrodes | Michael Quarti Co-Autoren: Andreas Bayer and Wolfgang G. Bessler | Offenburg University of Applied Sciences |
P2-007 | Advanced cell voltage modeling for lithium-ion-batteries using transmission line models | Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Hauck Co-Autoren: M. Weiss, E. Ivers-Tiffée | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
P2-008 | Experimental characterization of 20 Ah lithium-ion pouch cells with blend cathode and parameterization of an equivalent circuit model | Jonas Braun Co-Autoren: René Behmann and Wolfgang G. Bessler | Hochschule Offenburg |
P2-009 | Introducing the Synthetic Battery Modeling Toolchain | Stephan Bihn Co-Autoren: Mark Junker, Jonas Rinner, Nicolas Kaiser, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P2-010 | Internal temperatures of aged commercial Li-ion batteries | Lena Spitthoff Co-Autoren: Preben J. S. Vie, Jan Petter Mæhlen, Odne Stokke Burheim | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
P2-011 | Influence of combined mechanical loads on lithium-ion 18650 cells | M. Sc. Jonas Soellner | Technische Universität München |
P2-012 | An experimental comparison between commercial lithium-ion pouch and experimental cells | Anne Schiefer Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wetzel | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
P2-013 | Comparison of ultrasonic frequency response and puls transmission measurements for the characterization of lithium ion cells | Andreas Oberbauer Co-Autoren: Sebastian Ludwig, Andreas Jossen | Technische Universität München |
P2-014 | Ultra-thick cathodes based on Aluminium metal foams as current collector for high energy Li-ion batteries | Jonas Oehm Co-Autoren: Bernhard Auch, Marc Kamlah, Volker Knoblauch | Aalen University |
P2-015 | Examining multi-stage ageing mechanisms for lithium titanate oxide batteries | Ahmed Chahbaz Co-Autoren: Fabian Meishner, Weihan Li, Cem Ünlübayir, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe RWTH Aachen |
P2-016 | Impact of Thermal Material Properties on the Temperature Distribution within a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell | Julia Gandert Co-Autoren: Oliver Queisser, Helene Reppich, Thomas Wetzel | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
P2-018 | Evaluation of Alternative Methods for Determination of Battery Cells Heat Capacity and Thermal Resistance | PhD Sadjad Tajdaran Co-Autoren: Davide D Sciortino, Adriano Schommer , Paul Henshall, Brady Planden, Katie Lukow | Oxford Brookes University |
P2-019 | Optimal battery cells for grid-serving applications | Prof. Dr. Ines Hauer Co-Autoren: Sebastian Helm | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg / Chair Electric Power Networks and Renewable Energy |
P2-020 | Quasi-In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy during Cyclic and Calendaric Aging of Silicon Nanoparticle Anodes | Master of Science (Chemistry) Iris Dienwiebel Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Markus Börner | MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology |
P2-021 | Characterization of Li-Ion Battery Aging - Design of Experiments and Test Setup | Florian Ströbl Co-Autoren: Herbert Palm | Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES) |
P2-022 | Battery Testing Consortium: A Framework for Improvements in High-Power Battery Design | Brady Planden Co-Autoren: Katie Lukow, Gordana Collier, Denise Morrey | Oxford Brookes University |
P2-023 | Analysis of the SEI growth during cell formation based on differential voltage analysis | Felix Schomburg Co-Autoren: Robin Drees, Michael Kurrat, Fridolin Röder | Universität Bayreuth |
P2-024 | New Insights using Isothermal Calorimetry and High Precision Cycling | PhD Vincent Chevrier Co-Autoren: Larry J. Krause, Steven Recoskie, Dean D. MacNeil, Zilai Yan, Mark N. Obrovac | Cyclikal |
P2-026 | An Investigation of Constant Pressure Methods and the Impact on Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell Lifetime | Masters in Motorsports Engineering Aiden Leonard Co-Autoren: Brady Planden, Katie Lukow | Oxford Brookes University |
P2-027 | Investigation of Homogeneity and Reversibility of Deposited Lithium on the Graphite Anode Surfaces | Master of Science Tobias Brake Co-Autoren: Marco Leißing, Lennart Wichmann, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak, Simon Wiemer-Meyer | MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology |
P2-028 | Volume and thickness change of Gr/SiOx|NMC811 large-format lithium-ion pouch cells: from full cell to active material level | Hendrik Pegel | Mercedes-Benz Group AG |
P2-029 | Investigation of mechanical stress and lithium distribution | M. Sc. Pablo Morales Torricos Co-Autoren: Anh Huy Huynh, Christian Endisch, Meinert Lewerenz | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
P2-030 | Thickness change and jelly-roll deformation and its impact on the aging and lifetime of commercial 18650 cylindrical li-ion cells with silicon containing anodes and NCA cathodes | M.Sc. Philipp Heugel Co-Autoren: Hendrik Pegel*, Otto von Kessel*, Tobias Deich, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Kai Peter Birke und Jens Tübke | Mercedes-Benz Group AG |
P2-031 | A modified-electrochemical impedance spectroscopy-based multi-time-scale fractional-order model for lithium-ion batteries | Haijun Ruan | Imperial College London |
P2-032 | A faster novel experimental procedure for parameterisation of equivalent circuit models for lithium-ion batteries | Mechanical Engineering Mohammad Amin Samieian Co-Autoren: Alastair Hales, Gregory J Offer, Yatish Patel | Imperial College London |
P2-033 | Selecting the right cell for the job: effective cell testing and qualification for real world applications | Ph.D. Samuel Lawton | Exponent International Ltd. |
P2-034 | Ragone Calculator: A Straightforward Tool to Determine Performance Metrics and Support Developments at an Application-Relevant Level | Karsten Voigt Co-Autoren: Christian Heubner, Peter Marcinkowski, Sebastian Reuber, Kristian Nikolowski, Michael Schneider, Mareike Partsch, Alexander Michaelis | TU Dresden Fakultät Maschinenwesen Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft (IfWW) |
P2-035 | Radial Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Batteries - An Uncertainty Study of the pipe method | MSc Markus Koller Co-Autoren: Johanna Unterkofler, Gregor Glanz, Daniel Lager, Alexander Bergmann, Hartmut Popp | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology |
P2-036 | SEI development study – Accumulation and identification of SEI-derived species from lithium metal anodes | Master of Science Bastian von Holtum Co-Autoren: Christoph Peschel, Maximilian Kubot, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak and Simon Wiemers-Meyer | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
P2-037 | Assessment of coating defect criticality in lithium-ion battery electrodes | Tobias Lein Co-Autoren: Sebastian Maletti, Karoline Schmal, Duy Anh Nguyen, Christian Heubner, Arnaud du Baret de Limé and Alexander Michaelis | TU Dresden |
P2-038 | The Impact of Thermal Gradients on the Aging Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries | M.Sc. Matthias Faber Co-Autoren: Moritz Schütte, Sascha Berg, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P2-039 | The influence of the binder amount on the Solid Electrolyte Interphase | Maik Stamm Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Philip Niehoff | MEET Battery Research Center |
P2-041 | On the inhomogeneous nature of Li-intercalation and Li-plating on graphite-based anodes – an experimental study by means of high-resolution light microscopy under inert gas atmosphere | M.Sc. Marius Bolsinger Co-Autoren: Christian Weisenberger, Marc Kamlah, Volker Knoblauch | Aalen University - Materials Research Institute Aalen |
P2-042 | Ex-Situ Surface Analysis of Electrode-Material with Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy | Marcel Rogge | Technical University of Munich (TUM) |
P2-043 | Thermal characterization of a fiber Bragg grating sensor array for measuring absolute surface temperature on a pouch cell | Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Unterkofler Co-Autoren: Reinhard Klambauer, Alexander Bergmann | Graz University of Technology |
P2-044 | Multi-Chemistry Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Electrochemical Battery Models | Daniel Luder Co-Autoren: Weihan Li, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University / ISEA |
P2-045 | Electrical Detection of Lithium Plating Markers in Lithium-Ion Batteries | M. Sc. Heinrich Ditler | RWTH Aachen University |
P2-046 | Effect of charging rate on Arrhenius plots describing optimum cycle life for pouch and cylindrical cells | Dr. rer. nat. Maral Bozorgchenani Co-Autoren: Gints Kucinskis, Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Thomas Waldmann | Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) |
P2-047 | A novel method for application-based classification of lithium-ion cells | Master of Science Manuel Ank Co-Autoren: Markus Lienkamp | Technical University of Munich (TUM) |
P2-049 | Physical-based interpretation of lithium-ion battery automotive-related ageing | PhD Claudio RABISSI | Politecnico di Milano |
P2-050 | Substandard – Lithium-ion cells available on online marketplaces | Olaf Teichert Co-Autoren: Nerea Grube Doiz, Markus Schreiber, Xue Lin, Markus Lienkamp | Technical University of Munich |
P2-051 | Optimized calibration of P2D lithium ion battery physical model following sensitivity-based multi-measurement protocol | Gabriele Sordi Co-Autoren: Claudio Rabissi, Andrea Casalegno | Politecnico di Milano |
P2-052 | A Bibliometric Analysis on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Batteries | M.Sc. Şehriban Çelik Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P2-053 | Introduction of a Test Bench – Localized pressure analysis to optimize lithium-ion battery lifetime | Hendrik Laufen Co-Autoren: Sascha Berg, Julian Engeser, Fabian Frie, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) |
P2-054 | Contacting of metallized polymer foils as current collectors with ultrasonic welding for Li-Ion batteries | Hakon Gruhn Co-Autoren: Maja W. Kandula and Klaus Dilger | TU Braunschweig |
P2-055 | Analysis of the heat capacity for large area Lithium-Ion pouch cells | Dominik Droese Co-Autoren: Julia Kowal | Technische Universität Berlin |
P2-056 | The Impact of Graphite Volume Expansion on Contact Loss for Graphite-Based Lithium ion Battery Cells | Zhimin Zhou | MEET Battery Research Center |
P2-057 | Non-contacting chromatic confocal distance measurements of pouch cells during cycling | Julian Engeser Co-Autoren: Luciana Pitta Bauermann, Maximilian Bruch, Sascha Berg, Hendrik Laufen, Jürgen Ruf, Adrian Heuer, Egbert Figgemeier, Matthias Vetter | Fraunhofer ISE |
P2-058 | Concepts for Compensating Pressure Fluctuations Inside Future Lithium-Ion Battery Cells | Jonas Schwieger Co-Autoren: Birte von der Beeke, Philip Gümbel, Klaus Dröder | TU-Braunschweig, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik |
P2-059 | Available discharge energy of non-aqueous electrochemical energy storage cells vs. discharge current | M.Sc. Christoph Nebl Co-Autoren: Rainer Pelcz, Hans-Georg Schweiger | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
P2-060 | TEESMAT – Open Innovation Test Bed | Ph.D Didier Blanchard | ESRF |
P2-002 2. Cell level – any technology Adrian Schmidt Co-Autoren: André Weber, Marc Kamlah, Ellen Ivers-Tiffée Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) A Multi Scale Multi Domain Approach For The Modelling Of Large Format Lithium-Ion Battery Cells |
P2-003 2. Cell level – any technology Julius Schmitt Co-Autoren: Andreas Jossen Technical University Munich State of health estimation based on partial cell charging |
P2-005 2. Cell level – any technology Bastian Heidrich Co-Autoren: Markus Börner, Martin Winter, Philip Niehoff Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Quantitative Homogeneity Determination of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase After High Temperature Cycling |
P2-006 2. Cell level – any technology Michael Quarti Co-Autoren: Andreas Bayer and Wolfgang G. Bessler Offenburg University of Applied Sciences Trade-off between energy density and fast-charge capability of lithium-ion batteries: A model-based design study for understanding the behavior of thick electrodes |
P2-007 2. Cell level – any technology Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Hauck Co-Autoren: M. Weiss, E. Ivers-Tiffée Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Advanced cell voltage modeling for lithium-ion-batteries using transmission line models |
P2-008 2. Cell level – any technology Jonas Braun Co-Autoren: René Behmann and Wolfgang G. Bessler Hochschule Offenburg Experimental characterization of 20 Ah lithium-ion pouch cells with blend cathode and parameterization of an equivalent circuit model |
P2-009 2. Cell level – any technology Stephan Bihn Co-Autoren: Mark Junker, Jonas Rinner, Nicolas Kaiser, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University Introducing the Synthetic Battery Modeling Toolchain |
P2-010 2. Cell level – any technology Lena Spitthoff Co-Autoren: Preben J. S. Vie, Jan Petter Mæhlen, Odne Stokke Burheim Norwegian University of Science and Technology Internal temperatures of aged commercial Li-ion batteries |
P2-011 2. Cell level – any technology M. Sc. Jonas Soellner Technische Universität München Influence of combined mechanical loads on lithium-ion 18650 cells |
P2-012 2. Cell level – any technology Anne Schiefer Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wetzel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) An experimental comparison between commercial lithium-ion pouch and experimental cells |
P2-013 2. Cell level – any technology Andreas Oberbauer Co-Autoren: Sebastian Ludwig, Andreas Jossen Technische Universität München Comparison of ultrasonic frequency response and puls transmission measurements for the characterization of lithium ion cells |
P2-014 2. Cell level – any technology Jonas Oehm Co-Autoren: Bernhard Auch, Marc Kamlah, Volker Knoblauch Aalen University Ultra-thick cathodes based on Aluminium metal foams as current collector for high energy Li-ion batteries |
P2-015 2. Cell level – any technology Ahmed Chahbaz Co-Autoren: Fabian Meishner, Weihan Li, Cem Ünlübayir, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe RWTH Aachen Examining multi-stage ageing mechanisms for lithium titanate oxide batteries |
P2-016 2. Cell level – any technology Julia Gandert Co-Autoren: Oliver Queisser, Helene Reppich, Thomas Wetzel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Impact of Thermal Material Properties on the Temperature Distribution within a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell |
P2-018 2. Cell level – any technology PhD Sadjad Tajdaran Co-Autoren: Davide D Sciortino, Adriano Schommer , Paul Henshall, Brady Planden, Katie Lukow Oxford Brookes University Evaluation of Alternative Methods for Determination of Battery Cells Heat Capacity and Thermal Resistance |
P2-019 2. Cell level – any technology Prof. Dr. Ines Hauer Co-Autoren: Sebastian Helm Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg / Chair Electric Power Networks and Renewable Energy Optimal battery cells for grid-serving applications |
P2-020 2. Cell level – any technology Master of Science (Chemistry) Iris Dienwiebel Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Markus Börner MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Quasi-In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy during Cyclic and Calendaric Aging of Silicon Nanoparticle Anodes |
P2-021 2. Cell level – any technology Florian Ströbl Co-Autoren: Herbert Palm Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES) Characterization of Li-Ion Battery Aging - Design of Experiments and Test Setup |
P2-022 2. Cell level – any technology Brady Planden Co-Autoren: Katie Lukow, Gordana Collier, Denise Morrey Oxford Brookes University Battery Testing Consortium: A Framework for Improvements in High-Power Battery Design |
P2-023 2. Cell level – any technology Felix Schomburg Co-Autoren: Robin Drees, Michael Kurrat, Fridolin Röder Universität Bayreuth Analysis of the SEI growth during cell formation based on differential voltage analysis |
P2-024 2. Cell level – any technology PhD Vincent Chevrier Co-Autoren: Larry J. Krause, Steven Recoskie, Dean D. MacNeil, Zilai Yan, Mark N. Obrovac Cyclikal New Insights using Isothermal Calorimetry and High Precision Cycling |
P2-026 2. Cell level – any technology Masters in Motorsports Engineering Aiden Leonard Co-Autoren: Brady Planden, Katie Lukow Oxford Brookes University An Investigation of Constant Pressure Methods and the Impact on Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell Lifetime |
P2-027 2. Cell level – any technology Master of Science Tobias Brake Co-Autoren: Marco Leißing, Lennart Wichmann, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak, Simon Wiemer-Meyer MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Investigation of Homogeneity and Reversibility of Deposited Lithium on the Graphite Anode Surfaces |
P2-028 2. Cell level – any technology Hendrik Pegel Mercedes-Benz Group AG Volume and thickness change of Gr/SiOx|NMC811 large-format lithium-ion pouch cells: from full cell to active material level |
P2-029 2. Cell level – any technology M. Sc. Pablo Morales Torricos Co-Autoren: Anh Huy Huynh, Christian Endisch, Meinert Lewerenz Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Investigation of mechanical stress and lithium distribution |
P2-030 2. Cell level – any technology M.Sc. Philipp Heugel Co-Autoren: Hendrik Pegel*, Otto von Kessel*, Tobias Deich, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Kai Peter Birke und Jens Tübke Mercedes-Benz Group AG Thickness change and jelly-roll deformation and its impact on the aging and lifetime of commercial 18650 cylindrical li-ion cells with silicon containing anodes and NCA cathodes |
P2-031 2. Cell level – any technology Haijun Ruan Imperial College London A modified-electrochemical impedance spectroscopy-based multi-time-scale fractional-order model for lithium-ion batteries |
P2-032 2. Cell level – any technology Mechanical Engineering Mohammad Amin Samieian Co-Autoren: Alastair Hales, Gregory J Offer, Yatish Patel Imperial College London A faster novel experimental procedure for parameterisation of equivalent circuit models for lithium-ion batteries |
P2-033 2. Cell level – any technology Ph.D. Samuel Lawton Exponent International Ltd. Selecting the right cell for the job: effective cell testing and qualification for real world applications |
P2-034 2. Cell level – any technology Karsten Voigt Co-Autoren: Christian Heubner, Peter Marcinkowski, Sebastian Reuber, Kristian Nikolowski, Michael Schneider, Mareike Partsch, Alexander Michaelis TU Dresden Fakultät Maschinenwesen Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft (IfWW) Ragone Calculator: A Straightforward Tool to Determine Performance Metrics and Support Developments at an Application-Relevant Level |
P2-035 2. Cell level – any technology MSc Markus Koller Co-Autoren: Johanna Unterkofler, Gregor Glanz, Daniel Lager, Alexander Bergmann, Hartmut Popp AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Radial Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Batteries - An Uncertainty Study of the pipe method |
P2-036 2. Cell level – any technology Master of Science Bastian von Holtum Co-Autoren: Christoph Peschel, Maximilian Kubot, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak and Simon Wiemers-Meyer Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster SEI development study – Accumulation and identification of SEI-derived species from lithium metal anodes |
P2-037 2. Cell level – any technology Tobias Lein Co-Autoren: Sebastian Maletti, Karoline Schmal, Duy Anh Nguyen, Christian Heubner, Arnaud du Baret de Limé and Alexander Michaelis TU Dresden Assessment of coating defect criticality in lithium-ion battery electrodes |
P2-038 M.Sc. Matthias Faber Co-Autoren: Moritz Schütte, Sascha Berg, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University The Impact of Thermal Gradients on the Aging Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries |
P2-039 2. Cell level – any technology Maik Stamm Co-Autoren: Martin Winter, Philip Niehoff MEET Battery Research Center The influence of the binder amount on the Solid Electrolyte Interphase |
P2-041 2. Cell level – any technology M.Sc. Marius Bolsinger Co-Autoren: Christian Weisenberger, Marc Kamlah, Volker Knoblauch Aalen University - Materials Research Institute Aalen On the inhomogeneous nature of Li-intercalation and Li-plating on graphite-based anodes – an experimental study by means of high-resolution light microscopy under inert gas atmosphere |
P2-042 2. Cell level – any technology Marcel Rogge Technical University of Munich (TUM) Ex-Situ Surface Analysis of Electrode-Material with Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy |
P2-043 2. Cell level – any technology Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Unterkofler Co-Autoren: Reinhard Klambauer, Alexander Bergmann Graz University of Technology Thermal characterization of a fiber Bragg grating sensor array for measuring absolute surface temperature on a pouch cell |
P2-044 2. Cell level – any technology Daniel Luder Co-Autoren: Weihan Li, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University / ISEA Multi-Chemistry Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Electrochemical Battery Models |
P2-045 2. Cell level – any technology M. Sc. Heinrich Ditler RWTH Aachen University Electrical Detection of Lithium Plating Markers in Lithium-Ion Batteries |
P2-046 2. Cell level – any technology Dr. rer. nat. Maral Bozorgchenani Co-Autoren: Gints Kucinskis, Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Thomas Waldmann Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) Effect of charging rate on Arrhenius plots describing optimum cycle life for pouch and cylindrical cells |
P2-047 2. Cell level – any technology Master of Science Manuel Ank Co-Autoren: Markus Lienkamp Technical University of Munich (TUM) A novel method for application-based classification of lithium-ion cells |
P2-049 2. Cell level – any technology PhD Claudio RABISSI Politecnico di Milano Physical-based interpretation of lithium-ion battery automotive-related ageing |
P2-050 2. Cell level – any technology Olaf Teichert Co-Autoren: Nerea Grube Doiz, Markus Schreiber, Xue Lin, Markus Lienkamp Technical University of Munich Substandard – Lithium-ion cells available on online marketplaces |
P2-051 2. Cell level – any technology Gabriele Sordi Co-Autoren: Claudio Rabissi, Andrea Casalegno Politecnico di Milano Optimized calibration of P2D lithium ion battery physical model following sensitivity-based multi-measurement protocol |
P2-052 2. Cell level – any technology M.Sc. Şehriban Çelik Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University A Bibliometric Analysis on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Batteries |
P2-053 2. Cell level – any technology Hendrik Laufen Co-Autoren: Sascha Berg, Julian Engeser, Fabian Frie, Dirk Uwe Sauer Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) Introduction of a Test Bench – Localized pressure analysis to optimize lithium-ion battery lifetime |
P2-054 2. Cell level – any technology Hakon Gruhn Co-Autoren: Maja W. Kandula and Klaus Dilger TU Braunschweig Contacting of metallized polymer foils as current collectors with ultrasonic welding for Li-Ion batteries |
P2-055 2. Cell level – any technology Dominik Droese Co-Autoren: Julia Kowal Technische Universität Berlin Analysis of the heat capacity for large area Lithium-Ion pouch cells |
P2-056 2. Cell level – any technology Zhimin Zhou MEET Battery Research Center The Impact of Graphite Volume Expansion on Contact Loss for Graphite-Based Lithium ion Battery Cells |
P2-057 2. Cell level – any technology Julian Engeser Co-Autoren: Luciana Pitta Bauermann, Maximilian Bruch, Sascha Berg, Hendrik Laufen, Jürgen Ruf, Adrian Heuer, Egbert Figgemeier, Matthias Vetter Fraunhofer ISE Non-contacting chromatic confocal distance measurements of pouch cells during cycling |
P2-058 2. Cell level – any technology Jonas Schwieger Co-Autoren: Birte von der Beeke, Philip Gümbel, Klaus Dröder TU-Braunschweig, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik Concepts for Compensating Pressure Fluctuations Inside Future Lithium-Ion Battery Cells |
P2-059 2. Cell level – any technology M.Sc. Christoph Nebl Co-Autoren: Rainer Pelcz, Hans-Georg Schweiger Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Available discharge energy of non-aqueous electrochemical energy storage cells vs. discharge current |
P2-060 2. Cell level – any technology Ph.D Didier Blanchard ESRF TEESMAT – Open Innovation Test Bed |
P3-001 | Lead-Acid Battery Monitoring in mobile applications by server based online diagnostic | Dominik Schulte Co-Autoren: M. Niessen, Dr. G. Angenendt, Dr. K.P. Kairies | BatterieIngenieure GmbH |
P3-002 | Real World Load Cycle Based State of Charge Estimation Using Neural Network | Marcel Franke Co-Autoren: Julia Kowal | Technische Universität Berlin |
P3-003 | Battery Entropic Heating Coecient Testing and Use in Cell-level Loss Modelling for Ultra Fast Charging | Phillip Kollmeyer Co-Autoren: Phillip Kollmeyer, Ali Emadi | McMaster University |
P3-004 | Development of substitute cells to replicate the thermal behaviour of lithium-ion cells | Philipp Seegert Co-Autoren: Sabrina Herberger, Udo Siegel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wetzel | KIT |
P3-005 | Battery state estimation algorithm performance and the impact of different application characteristics | M.Sc. Dominik Jöst Co-Autoren: Oliver Buitkamp, Dirk Uwe Sauer | ISEA-RWTH Aachen |
P3-006 | A Toolchain for Evaluating SoX Algorithms on an Embedded System (using the foxBMS Plattform) | Nico Manteuffel Co-Autoren: Julian Mardey, Johannes Rütters, Dirk Uwe Sauer | |
P3-007 | An Overview of Fitting Methods for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data | Alexander Blömeke Co-Autoren: Ole Kappelhoff, Jacob Brandauer, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P3-008 | Experimental analysis of the aging behavior of battery packs with forced air cooling and immersed cooling system | Dr.-Ing. Andrea Marongiu Co-Autoren: D. Chahardahcherik, F. Braun, D. Schulte, D. Koster, E. Figgemeier | BatterieIngenieure GmbH |
P3-009 | A novel capacity management system for leveling cells in a lithium-ion battery pack | B.Eng. René Behmann Co-Autoren: Wolfram Walter, Frederik Fuchs and Wolfgang G. Bessler | Hochschule Offenburg |
P3-010 | Monitoring and analysing of parameters of a Battery pack in use to enable corrective actions in-time | Ph.D. Sushant Mutagekar Co-Autoren: Ashok Jhunjhunwala | IIT Madras, India |
P3-011 | Achieving Quantitatively Accurate Li-S Models Through Rigorous Validation | PhD Michael Cornish Co-Autoren: Dr. Monica Marinescu | Imperial College London |
P3-012 | Development and Investigation of State of Energy Algorithms in a Model-in-the-Loop Toolchain | M.Sc. Katharina Lilith Quade Co-Autoren: Dominik Jöst, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - RWTH Aachen University |
P3-014 | Field Battery Investigation – Part 1: Battery Characterization | M. Sc. Jonathan Wirth Co-Autoren: Dominik Schulte, Florian Jöris, Rafael Conradt, Philipp Schröer | BatterieIngenieure GmbH |
P3-015 | A novel approach to state/parameter estimation and optimal fast-charging | Nicola Courtier Co-Autoren: Pedro Ascencio, David Howey | University of Oxford |
P3-016 | Impact of the tabless electrode design on future cylindrical lithium-ion battery packs | Hendrik Pegel Co-Autoren: Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer | Mercedes-Benz Group AG |
P3-017 | Aging assessment at cell level of battery packs with forced air cooling and immersed cooling system | Timo Ruewald Co-Autoren: H. van Faassen, A. Marongiu, D. Chahardahcherik, D. Schulte, E. Figgemeier | BatterieIngenieure GmbH |
P3-018 | Field Battery Investigation – Part 2: Aging behavior | Rafael Conradt Co-Autoren: Dr. Philipp Schröer, Jonathan Wirth, Dr. Dominik Schulte, Florian Jöris, Prof. Dr. Kai Peter Birke | Robert Bosch GmbH/University of Stuttgart |
P3-019 | Investigating changes in kinetics and transport over NCA/Gr-SiOx battery lifetime | MEng Malgorzata Wojtala Co-Autoren: Ferran Brosa Planella, Alana A. Zülke, Harry E. Hoster, David Howey | The University of Oxford |
P3-020 | Case Studies in Failure Analysis: Cell Quality Assessment and Root Cause Investigations | PhD Daniel Torelli Co-Autoren: Hernan Sanchez, Sam Lawton, James Frake, Ryan Spray | Exponent |
P3-021 | Electrochemical Noise Measurement for Non-Invasive Sensors | Assoc. Prof. Burak Ülgüt Co-Autoren: Gözde Karaoğlu | Bilkent University |
P3-022 | Generating synthetic customer driving data for databased state prediction of 48V Li-Ion Batteries | M.Sc. Valentin Steininger Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer | BMW Group/RWTH Aachen |
P3-023 | A robust approach to battery SOH estimation combining equivalent circuits with machine learning | Antti Aitio Co-Autoren: David Howey | Oxford University |
P3-025 | Measuring Cylindrical Cell‘s expansion by Stereo Camera Based Methods | M. Sc. Morian Sonnet Co-Autoren: Marian Grom, Lisa Willenberg, Philipp Dechent, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P3-026 | A two-layer model predictive control for Hybrid Balancing Systems able to Manage Capacity, Temperature, Stress, and Losses | Dr. Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: R. de Castro, H. Pereira, J. Varela Barreras, R. E. Araújo, H. C. Pangborn | Imperial College London |
P3-027 | Diagnosis of cell properties by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy during formation | M. Sc. Torben Jennert Co-Autoren: Michael Kurrat | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P3-028 | Modelling inhomogeneous degradation in lithium-ion batteries: the effect of thermal gradients | Doctor Shen Li Co-Autoren: Cheng Zhang, Yan Zhao, Gregory J. Offer and Monica Marinescu | Imperial College London |
P3-029 | Efficient battery function development by application of battery-as-a-service concepts | Dipl. Ing Dino Hrvanovic Co-Autoren: Hannes Haberl, Martin Krammer, Matthias Scharrer | Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH |
P3-030 | Influence of ageing mechanisms on battery characteristics of lead-acid batteries | Dr. Dominik Schulte Co-Autoren: J. Wirth | BatterieIngenieure GmbH |
P3-031 | A new Battery Degradation-Aware Current Derating framework | Dr Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: Michael Schimpe, Billy Wu, Gregory J. Offer | Imperial College London |
P3-032 | Online power prediction for lithium-ion batteries by integrating electrochemical modeling and machine learning | M. Sc. Weihan Li Co-Autoren: Yue Fan, Florian Ringbeck, Dominik Jöst, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University |
P3-001 3. Pack level – any technology Dominik Schulte Co-Autoren: M. Niessen, Dr. G. Angenendt, Dr. K.P. Kairies BatterieIngenieure GmbH Lead-Acid Battery Monitoring in mobile applications by server based online diagnostic |
P3-002 3. Pack level – any technology Marcel Franke Co-Autoren: Julia Kowal Technische Universität Berlin Real World Load Cycle Based State of Charge Estimation Using Neural Network |
P3-003 3. Pack level – any technology Phillip Kollmeyer Co-Autoren: Phillip Kollmeyer, Ali Emadi McMaster University Battery Entropic Heating Coecient Testing and Use in Cell-level Loss Modelling for Ultra Fast Charging |
P3-004 3. Pack level – any technology Philipp Seegert Co-Autoren: Sabrina Herberger, Udo Siegel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wetzel KIT Development of substitute cells to replicate the thermal behaviour of lithium-ion cells |
P3-005 3. Pack level – any technology M.Sc. Dominik Jöst Co-Autoren: Oliver Buitkamp, Dirk Uwe Sauer ISEA-RWTH Aachen Battery state estimation algorithm performance and the impact of different application characteristics |
P3-006 3. Pack level – any technology Nico Manteuffel Co-Autoren: Julian Mardey, Johannes Rütters, Dirk Uwe Sauer A Toolchain for Evaluating SoX Algorithms on an Embedded System (using the foxBMS Plattform) |
P3-007 3. Pack level – any technology Alexander Blömeke Co-Autoren: Ole Kappelhoff, Jacob Brandauer, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University An Overview of Fitting Methods for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data |
P3-008 3. Pack level – any technology Dr.-Ing. Andrea Marongiu Co-Autoren: D. Chahardahcherik, F. Braun, D. Schulte, D. Koster, E. Figgemeier BatterieIngenieure GmbH Experimental analysis of the aging behavior of battery packs with forced air cooling and immersed cooling system |
P3-009 3. Pack level – any technology B.Eng. René Behmann Co-Autoren: Wolfram Walter, Frederik Fuchs and Wolfgang G. Bessler Hochschule Offenburg A novel capacity management system for leveling cells in a lithium-ion battery pack |
P3-010 3. Pack level – any technology Ph.D. Sushant Mutagekar Co-Autoren: Ashok Jhunjhunwala IIT Madras, India Monitoring and analysing of parameters of a Battery pack in use to enable corrective actions in-time |
P3-011 3. Pack level – any technology PhD Michael Cornish Co-Autoren: Dr. Monica Marinescu Imperial College London Achieving Quantitatively Accurate Li-S Models Through Rigorous Validation |
P3-012 3. Pack level – any technology M.Sc. Katharina Lilith Quade Co-Autoren: Dominik Jöst, Dirk Uwe Sauer Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - RWTH Aachen University Development and Investigation of State of Energy Algorithms in a Model-in-the-Loop Toolchain |
P3-014 3. Pack level – any technology M. Sc. Jonathan Wirth Co-Autoren: Dominik Schulte, Florian Jöris, Rafael Conradt, Philipp Schröer BatterieIngenieure GmbH Field Battery Investigation – Part 1: Battery Characterization |
P3-015 3. Pack level – any technology Nicola Courtier Co-Autoren: Pedro Ascencio, David Howey University of Oxford A novel approach to state/parameter estimation and optimal fast-charging |
P3-016 3. Pack level – any technology Hendrik Pegel Co-Autoren: Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer Mercedes-Benz Group AG Impact of the tabless electrode design on future cylindrical lithium-ion battery packs |
P3-017 3. Pack level – any technology Timo Ruewald Co-Autoren: H. van Faassen, A. Marongiu, D. Chahardahcherik, D. Schulte, E. Figgemeier BatterieIngenieure GmbH Aging assessment at cell level of battery packs with forced air cooling and immersed cooling system |
P3-018 3. Pack level – any technology Rafael Conradt Co-Autoren: Dr. Philipp Schröer, Jonathan Wirth, Dr. Dominik Schulte, Florian Jöris, Prof. Dr. Kai Peter Birke Robert Bosch GmbH/University of Stuttgart Field Battery Investigation – Part 2: Aging behavior |
P3-019 3. Pack level – any technology MEng Malgorzata Wojtala Co-Autoren: Ferran Brosa Planella, Alana A. Zülke, Harry E. Hoster, David Howey The University of Oxford Investigating changes in kinetics and transport over NCA/Gr-SiOx battery lifetime |
P3-020 3. Pack level – any technology PhD Daniel Torelli Co-Autoren: Hernan Sanchez, Sam Lawton, James Frake, Ryan Spray Exponent Case Studies in Failure Analysis: Cell Quality Assessment and Root Cause Investigations |
P3-021 3. Pack level – any technology Assoc. Prof. Burak Ülgüt Co-Autoren: Gözde Karaoğlu Bilkent University Electrochemical Noise Measurement for Non-Invasive Sensors |
P3-022 3. Pack level – any technology M.Sc. Valentin Steininger Co-Autoren: Dirk Uwe Sauer BMW Group/RWTH Aachen Generating synthetic customer driving data for databased state prediction of 48V Li-Ion Batteries |
P3-023 3. Pack level – any technology Antti Aitio Co-Autoren: David Howey Oxford University A robust approach to battery SOH estimation combining equivalent circuits with machine learning |
P3-025 3. Pack level – any technology M. Sc. Morian Sonnet Co-Autoren: Marian Grom, Lisa Willenberg, Philipp Dechent, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University Measuring Cylindrical Cell‘s expansion by Stereo Camera Based Methods |
P3-026 3. Pack level – any technology Dr. Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: R. de Castro, H. Pereira, J. Varela Barreras, R. E. Araújo, H. C. Pangborn Imperial College London A two-layer model predictive control for Hybrid Balancing Systems able to Manage Capacity, Temperature, Stress, and Losses |
P3-027 3. Pack level – any technology M. Sc. Torben Jennert Co-Autoren: Michael Kurrat Technische Universität Braunschweig Diagnosis of cell properties by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy during formation |
P3-028 3. Pack level – any technology Doctor Shen Li Co-Autoren: Cheng Zhang, Yan Zhao, Gregory J. Offer and Monica Marinescu Imperial College London Modelling inhomogeneous degradation in lithium-ion batteries: the effect of thermal gradients |
P3-029 3. Pack level – any technology Dipl. Ing Dino Hrvanovic Co-Autoren: Hannes Haberl, Martin Krammer, Matthias Scharrer Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH Efficient battery function development by application of battery-as-a-service concepts |
P3-030 3. Pack level – any technology Dr. Dominik Schulte Co-Autoren: J. Wirth BatterieIngenieure GmbH Influence of ageing mechanisms on battery characteristics of lead-acid batteries |
P3-031 3. Pack level – any technology Dr Jorge Varela Barreras Co-Autoren: Michael Schimpe, Billy Wu, Gregory J. Offer Imperial College London A new Battery Degradation-Aware Current Derating framework |
P3-032 3. Pack level – any technology M. Sc. Weihan Li Co-Autoren: Yue Fan, Florian Ringbeck, Dominik Jöst, Dirk Uwe Sauer Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University Online power prediction for lithium-ion batteries by integrating electrochemical modeling and machine learning |
P4-001 | cerman.power+ Battery: Solid state & Lithium: Technology Service - Pilot Line - Qualification- Production Equipment-TROIKA Process | Tim Schäfer Co-Autoren: Stephen Kim, Monika Zimmermann | Envites Energy GmbH |
P4-002 | Flexible design and optimized control strategy for heterogeneous 2nd-life battery systems – the UnABESA project | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Bohlen | Hochschule München |
P4-003 | Understanding aging characteristics of a stationary lithium-ion battery: Single-cell tests, system operation, and model-based interpretation | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bessler Co-Autoren: M. C. Yagci, O. Richter, S. Mittag, T. Feldmann, D. Velten, T. Seifert, M. Schmidt | Hochschule Offenburg |
P4-004 | Scaling methodology to describe the capacity-dependent responses during thermal runaway of lithium ion batteries | Stefan Doose Co-Autoren: Alexander Hahn, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade | Institute for Particle Technologie & Battery LabFactory, Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P4-005 | Safety behavior of damaged 18650 lithium-ion battery cells | Markus Spielbauer Co-Autoren: Oliver Bohlen, Andreas Jossen | Hochschule München |
P4-008 | Influence of aging on the failing behavior of automotive lithium-ion batteries | Dr. Christiane Essl Co-Autoren: Andrey W. Golubkov, Anton Fuchs | VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH |
P4-009 | Online impedancespectroscopy in micromobility | Master of Science Christian Rosenmüller Co-Autoren: Stefan Brand, Oliver Bohlen | Hochschule München |
P4-010 | A Low-cost, High-performance Energy Service Planning Methodology, and Operating Service | Wei-Ming Li Co-Autoren: Wei-Ming Li, Kayson Cho | LSC |
P4-011 | Using neural ordinary differential equations for grey-box modelling of lithium-ion batteries | Jennifer Brucker Co-Autoren: Wolfgang G. Bessler, Rainer Gasper | University of Applied Sciences Offenburg |
P4-012 | Safe-Handling of e-vehicles after accidents: Recommendations for the rescue chain | M.Sc. Thomas König | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
P4-013 | An energy management concept with a load-prediction engine toimprove the fuel economy of a hybrid maritime propulsion system | Cem Ünlübayir Co-Autoren: Rehan Ahmad Khan, Tao Jiang, Dirk Uwe Sauer | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives RWTH Aachen University |
P4-014 | Identifying battery storage system to ensure stable grid operation – the GridBatt project | Dr. Ralf Benger Co-Autoren: Frank Deblon, Jacob Klink, Maximilian Wassner, Ulrike Wunderwald, Anton Chupryn, Ines Hauer, Sebastian Helm, Andreas Lindemann | TU Clausthal |
P4-015 | LiIon Round Cell Alternatives for the automotive market | Dr. der Chemie Manfred Leimkühler | Jauch Quartz GmbH |
P4-016 | Balancing group deviation & balancing energy costs due to the provision of frequency containment reserve with a battery storage system in Germany | M.Sc. Lucas Koltermann Co-Autoren: Kevin Jacqué, Jan Figgener, Sebastian Zurmühlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer | RWTH Aachen University |
P4-017 | Blockchain based platform for battery tracking | M.D. Carlos Antônio Rufino Júnior Co-Autoren: Eleonora Riva Sanseverino; Pierluigi Gallo; Daniel Koch; Hans-Georg Schweiger; Hudson Zanin | UNICAMP |
P4-001 4. Applications Tim Schäfer Co-Autoren: Stephen Kim, Monika Zimmermann Envites Energy GmbH cerman.power+ Battery: Solid state & Lithium: Technology Service - Pilot Line - Qualification- Production Equipment-TROIKA Process |
P4-002 4. Applications Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Bohlen Hochschule München Flexible design and optimized control strategy for heterogeneous 2nd-life battery systems – the UnABESA project |
P4-003 4. Applications Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bessler Co-Autoren: M. C. Yagci, O. Richter, S. Mittag, T. Feldmann, D. Velten, T. Seifert, M. Schmidt Hochschule Offenburg Understanding aging characteristics of a stationary lithium-ion battery: Single-cell tests, system operation, and model-based interpretation |
P4-004 4. Applications Stefan Doose Co-Autoren: Alexander Hahn, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade Institute for Particle Technologie & Battery LabFactory, Technische Universität Braunschweig Scaling methodology to describe the capacity-dependent responses during thermal runaway of lithium ion batteries |
P4-005 4. Applications Markus Spielbauer Co-Autoren: Oliver Bohlen, Andreas Jossen Hochschule München Safety behavior of damaged 18650 lithium-ion battery cells |
P4-008 4. Applications Dr. Christiane Essl Co-Autoren: Andrey W. Golubkov, Anton Fuchs VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH Influence of aging on the failing behavior of automotive lithium-ion batteries |
P4-009 4. Applications Master of Science Christian Rosenmüller Co-Autoren: Stefan Brand, Oliver Bohlen Hochschule München Online impedancespectroscopy in micromobility |
P4-010 4. Applications Wei-Ming Li Co-Autoren: Wei-Ming Li, Kayson Cho LSC A Low-cost, High-performance Energy Service Planning Methodology, and Operating Service |
P4-011 4. Applications Jennifer Brucker Co-Autoren: Wolfgang G. Bessler, Rainer Gasper University of Applied Sciences Offenburg Using neural ordinary differential equations for grey-box modelling of lithium-ion batteries |
P4-012 4. Applications M.Sc. Thomas König Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Safe-Handling of e-vehicles after accidents: Recommendations for the rescue chain |
P4-013 4. Applications Cem Ünlübayir Co-Autoren: Rehan Ahmad Khan, Tao Jiang, Dirk Uwe Sauer Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives RWTH Aachen University An energy management concept with a load-prediction engine toimprove the fuel economy of a hybrid maritime propulsion system |
P4-014 4. Applications Dr. Ralf Benger Co-Autoren: Frank Deblon, Jacob Klink, Maximilian Wassner, Ulrike Wunderwald, Anton Chupryn, Ines Hauer, Sebastian Helm, Andreas Lindemann TU Clausthal Identifying battery storage system to ensure stable grid operation – the GridBatt project |
P4-015 4. Applications Dr. der Chemie Manfred Leimkühler Jauch Quartz GmbH LiIon Round Cell Alternatives for the automotive market |
P4-016 4. Applications M.Sc. Lucas Koltermann Co-Autoren: Kevin Jacqué, Jan Figgener, Sebastian Zurmühlen, Dirk Uwe Sauer RWTH Aachen University Balancing group deviation & balancing energy costs due to the provision of frequency containment reserve with a battery storage system in Germany |
P4-017 4. Applications M.D. Carlos Antônio Rufino Júnior Co-Autoren: Eleonora Riva Sanseverino; Pierluigi Gallo; Daniel Koch; Hans-Georg Schweiger; Hudson Zanin UNICAMP Blockchain based platform for battery tracking |
P5-002 | Laser cutting of prelithiated graphite-silicon anodes | Lars Oliver Schmidt Co-Autoren: Houssin Wehbe, Maja W. Kandula and Klaus Dilger | Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P5-003 | Structuring of ultra-thick high-energy silicon/graphite anodes by multilayer coating | M.Sc. Laura Gottschalk | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P5-004 | Simulation of the electrode rolling process for cylindrical 18650 lithium-ion cells using the finite-element method | Philip Kargl Co-Autoren: Lukas Hofstädter, Patrick Kolm, Christoph Breitfuss, Alex Thaler | Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH |
P5-005 | Inductive drying of lithium-ion graphite anodes | Tobias Krüger Co-Autoren: Maja W. Kandula, Klaus Dilger | Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik der TU Braunschweig |
P5-006 | Influence of recuperation currents on battery lifetime in electric bus applications | Jan Paul Neunzling Co-Autoren: David Henriques, Matthias Fleckensteing, Torsten Markus | AKASOL AG |
P5-007 | Mechanical Structuring of Lithium-Ion Electrodes – A Method with Great Potential for High-Throughput Production | Josef Keilhofer Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Daub | Technical University of Munich |
P5-008 | Carbon footprint study of aluminium in battery cells | MSc Stefan Wass Co-Autoren: Sofia Hedevåg | Gränges Finspång AB |
P5-009 | Influence of Atmospheric Composition on the Performance of Prelithiated C/SiOx Anodes - from Lab to Mass Production | Hans Fenske Co-Autoren: Dominik Steckermeier, Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik & Battery LabFactory Braunschweig |
P5-010 | Mechanical recycling of production scraps from electrode manufacture | Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Melzig Co-Autoren: Arno Kwade | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
P5-011 | Polymer-SSB Recycling – How mechanical processes can be adapted and optimized for efficient recycling | M. Sc. Marco Ahuis Co-Autoren: Doose, S.; Michalowski, P.; Kwade, A. | TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik |
P5-012 | Scaling up the production of silicon-based multi-layer pouch-cells to enhance the energy density of LIBs | M. Sc. Jan Hagemeister Co-Autoren: Alessandro Sommer, Rüdiger Daub | Technical University of Munich, Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) |
P5-015 | Energy efficient cluster approach for dry room operation in lithium-ion battery production | Markus Eckstein Co-Autoren: Florenz Janning, Frederic Bovenschulte, Hasibe Turhan, Saskia Wessel, Fritz Klocke, Jens Tübke | Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT - Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB |
P5-016 | Proposed standardisation of life-cycle assessment of stationary energy storage systems | MSc Energy Engineering Luka Smajila Co-Autoren: Dr. Rafael Guedez | KTH |
P5-017 | Comparison of a discontinuous and continuous slurry manufacturing process for silicon-containing anodes in lithium-ion batteries | Master of Science Tim Grenda Co-Autoren: René Jagau, Prof. Arno Kwade | TU Braunschweig |
P5-018 | Using Degradation Modes for Large-scale Capacity and Power Fade Diagnostics | M.Sc. Alexander Karger Co-Autoren: Leo Wildfeuer, Andreas Jossen | Technical University of Munich |
P5-019 | A refined SEI model for lithium-ion batteries | PhD student Ruihe Li | Imperial College London |
P5-020 | Legal framework for sustainable battery-operated products | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hofmann | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtiingen-Geislingen |
P5-021 | Pyrometallurgical Recycling Process Routes – Distribution analysis of valuable metals and the economic consequences | M. Sc. Dzeneta Vrucak Co-Autoren: Linda Reinhart, Richard Woeste, Dr. Elinor Rombach, Prof. Peter Letmathe, Prof. Bernd Friedrich | RWTH Aachen University |
P5-022 | Understanding Electrolyte Filling of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes on the Pore Scale | Dr. Martin Lautenschläger | German Aerospace Center |
P5-023 | Influence of impurities on the recycling process of NCM active materials | Vladislaw Gorodko Co-Autoren: Henry Auer, Kristian Nikolowski, Mareike Partsch, Alexander Michaelis | Fraunhofer IKTS |
P5-024 | Proportionate Influence of Anode and Cathode Structuring on Electrode Characteristics and Cell Performance | Lucas Hille Co-Autoren: Lingji Xu, Josef Keilhofer, Sandro Stock, Johannes Kriegler, Michael F. Zaeh | Technical University of Munich |
P5-025 | EV-Batterien in der Produktivitätsfalle – wie industrielle Computertomografie hohe Ausschussraten auf Zellebene senken kann* | Stephan Dreger Co-Autoren: Stephan Dreger | Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH |
P5-026 | Ultrasonic Metal Welding in the Battery Industry | Daniel Fuhrmann | Schunk Sonosystems |
P5-027 | Continuous vs. batch-type processing of negative electrode pastes for lithium ion batteries | Dr Kristina Borzutzki Co-Autoren: Markus Börner, Olga Fromm, Markus Eckstein, Saskia Wessel, Martin Winter, Jens Tübke | Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT |
P5-028 | The influence of temperature inhomogeneity on cycling characteristics and local aging behavior of lithium-ion battery cells | Ph.D Wenjiong Cao | Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University |
P5-029 | Electrochemically Induced Phase Transition in V3O7 · H2O Nanobelts/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites for Aqueous Zinc‐Ion Batteries | PhD Huili Cao Co-Autoren: Zhiyong Zheng, Poul Norby, Xinxin Xiao, Susanne Mossin | Technical University of Denmark |
P5-030 | Electrode and Separator Extrusion | Dr. Nicolaus Rehse | Collin Lab & Pilot Solutions GmbH |
P5-032 | Material Characterization for Battery Cell Manufacturing along the Process Chain | Dr. Denis Schuetz Co-Autoren: Christopher Giehl, Doris Segets, Dirk Meister, Martin Pfeiler-Deutschmann Markus Kalmutzki, Michael Schäffler | Anton Paar GmBh. |
P5-033 | Corrosion investigation in polymer lithium sulphur batteries | Dr. Michał Piszcz Co-Autoren: Daniel Jastrzębski, Natalia Izdebska, Anna Dąbrowska, Grażyna Żukowska, Cezariusz Jastrzębski, Jankowski Piotr, Martyna Smolarek | Warsaw University of Technology |
P5-034 | Investigation of lithium plating in commercial lithium-ion batteries | Martyna Smolarek Co-Autoren: Natalia Izdebska, Maciej Siekierski, Michał Piszcz | Warsaw University of Technology |
P5-035 | Challenges in Direct Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries from Battery to Black Mass | Dipl.-Ing. Ronny Petersohn Co-Autoren: Matthias Schelter, Christina Fiedler, Matthias Herrmann, Bernhard Riegel | Intilion GmbH |
P5-002 5. Battery life cycle Lars Oliver Schmidt Co-Autoren: Houssin Wehbe, Maja W. Kandula and Klaus Dilger Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig Laser cutting of prelithiated graphite-silicon anodes |
P5-003 5. Battery life cycle M.Sc. Laura Gottschalk Technische Universität Braunschweig Structuring of ultra-thick high-energy silicon/graphite anodes by multilayer coating |
P5-004 5. Battery life cycle Philip Kargl Co-Autoren: Lukas Hofstädter, Patrick Kolm, Christoph Breitfuss, Alex Thaler Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH Simulation of the electrode rolling process for cylindrical 18650 lithium-ion cells using the finite-element method |
P5-005 5. Battery life cycle Tobias Krüger Co-Autoren: Maja W. Kandula, Klaus Dilger Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik der TU Braunschweig Inductive drying of lithium-ion graphite anodes |
P5-006 5. Battery life cycle Jan Paul Neunzling Co-Autoren: David Henriques, Matthias Fleckensteing, Torsten Markus AKASOL AG Influence of recuperation currents on battery lifetime in electric bus applications |
P5-007 5. Battery life cycle Josef Keilhofer Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Daub Technical University of Munich Mechanical Structuring of Lithium-Ion Electrodes – A Method with Great Potential for High-Throughput Production |
P5-008 5. Battery life cycle MSc Stefan Wass Co-Autoren: Sofia Hedevåg Gränges Finspång AB Carbon footprint study of aluminium in battery cells |
P5-009 5. Battery life cycle Hans Fenske Co-Autoren: Dominik Steckermeier, Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik & Battery LabFactory Braunschweig Influence of Atmospheric Composition on the Performance of Prelithiated C/SiOx Anodes - from Lab to Mass Production |
P5-010 5. Battery life cycle Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Melzig Co-Autoren: Arno Kwade Technische Universität Braunschweig Mechanical recycling of production scraps from electrode manufacture |
P5-011 5. Battery life cycle M. Sc. Marco Ahuis Co-Autoren: Doose, S.; Michalowski, P.; Kwade, A. TU Braunschweig, Institut für Partikeltechnik Polymer-SSB Recycling – How mechanical processes can be adapted and optimized for efficient recycling |
P5-012 5. Battery life cycle M. Sc. Jan Hagemeister Co-Autoren: Alessandro Sommer, Rüdiger Daub Technical University of Munich, Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) Scaling up the production of silicon-based multi-layer pouch-cells to enhance the energy density of LIBs |
P5-015 5. Battery life cycle Markus Eckstein Co-Autoren: Florenz Janning, Frederic Bovenschulte, Hasibe Turhan, Saskia Wessel, Fritz Klocke, Jens Tübke Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT - Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB Energy efficient cluster approach for dry room operation in lithium-ion battery production |
P5-016 5. Battery life cycle MSc Energy Engineering Luka Smajila Co-Autoren: Dr. Rafael Guedez KTH Proposed standardisation of life-cycle assessment of stationary energy storage systems |
P5-017 5. Battery life cycle Master of Science Tim Grenda Co-Autoren: René Jagau, Prof. Arno Kwade TU Braunschweig Comparison of a discontinuous and continuous slurry manufacturing process for silicon-containing anodes in lithium-ion batteries |
P5-018 5. Battery life cycle M.Sc. Alexander Karger Co-Autoren: Leo Wildfeuer, Andreas Jossen Technical University of Munich Using Degradation Modes for Large-scale Capacity and Power Fade Diagnostics |
P5-019 5. Battery life cycle PhD student Ruihe Li Imperial College London A refined SEI model for lithium-ion batteries |
P5-020 5. Battery life cycle Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hofmann Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtiingen-Geislingen Legal framework for sustainable battery-operated products |
P5-021 5. Battery life cycle M. Sc. Dzeneta Vrucak Co-Autoren: Linda Reinhart, Richard Woeste, Dr. Elinor Rombach, Prof. Peter Letmathe, Prof. Bernd Friedrich RWTH Aachen University Pyrometallurgical Recycling Process Routes – Distribution analysis of valuable metals and the economic consequences |
P5-022 5. Battery life cycle Dr. Martin Lautenschläger German Aerospace Center Understanding Electrolyte Filling of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes on the Pore Scale |
P5-023 5. Battery life cycle Vladislaw Gorodko Co-Autoren: Henry Auer, Kristian Nikolowski, Mareike Partsch, Alexander Michaelis Fraunhofer IKTS Influence of impurities on the recycling process of NCM active materials |
P5-024 5. Battery life cycle Lucas Hille Co-Autoren: Lingji Xu, Josef Keilhofer, Sandro Stock, Johannes Kriegler, Michael F. Zaeh Technical University of Munich Proportionate Influence of Anode and Cathode Structuring on Electrode Characteristics and Cell Performance |
P5-025 5. Battery life cycle Stephan Dreger Co-Autoren: Stephan Dreger Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH EV-Batterien in der Produktivitätsfalle – wie industrielle Computertomografie hohe Ausschussraten auf Zellebene senken kann* |
P5-026 5. Battery life cycle Daniel Fuhrmann Schunk Sonosystems Ultrasonic Metal Welding in the Battery Industry |
P5-027 5. Battery life cycle Dr Kristina Borzutzki Co-Autoren: Markus Börner, Olga Fromm, Markus Eckstein, Saskia Wessel, Martin Winter, Jens Tübke Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT Continuous vs. batch-type processing of negative electrode pastes for lithium ion batteries |
P5-028 5. Battery life cycle Ph.D Wenjiong Cao Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University The influence of temperature inhomogeneity on cycling characteristics and local aging behavior of lithium-ion battery cells |
P5-029 5. Battery life cycle PhD Huili Cao Co-Autoren: Zhiyong Zheng, Poul Norby, Xinxin Xiao, Susanne Mossin Technical University of Denmark Electrochemically Induced Phase Transition in V3O7 · H2O Nanobelts/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites for Aqueous Zinc‐Ion Batteries |
P5-030 5. Battery life cycle Dr. Nicolaus Rehse Collin Lab & Pilot Solutions GmbH Electrode and Separator Extrusion |
P5-032 5. Battery life cycle Dr. Denis Schuetz Co-Autoren: Christopher Giehl, Doris Segets, Dirk Meister, Martin Pfeiler-Deutschmann Markus Kalmutzki, Michael Schäffler Anton Paar GmBh. Material Characterization for Battery Cell Manufacturing along the Process Chain |
P5-033 5. Battery life cycle Dr. Michał Piszcz Co-Autoren: Daniel Jastrzębski, Natalia Izdebska, Anna Dąbrowska, Grażyna Żukowska, Cezariusz Jastrzębski, Jankowski Piotr, Martyna Smolarek Warsaw University of Technology Corrosion investigation in polymer lithium sulphur batteries |
P5-034 5. Battery life cycle Martyna Smolarek Co-Autoren: Natalia Izdebska, Maciej Siekierski, Michał Piszcz Warsaw University of Technology Investigation of lithium plating in commercial lithium-ion batteries |
P5-035 5. Battery life cycle Dipl.-Ing. Ronny Petersohn Co-Autoren: Matthias Schelter, Christina Fiedler, Matthias Herrmann, Bernhard Riegel Intilion GmbH Challenges in Direct Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries from Battery to Black Mass |